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彰武县河流流域总面积约为3 486 km2,多以中小河流为主,多年来存在河道泥沙淤积现象严重、冲刷侵蚀严重、降雨和人类活动对河道径流影响明显和区域水体污染物严重超标等问题.本文在分析了彰武县中小河流分布特点,结合该县拦河水闸、提防以及护岸工程等许多中小河流治理项目的实施状况,对区域内中小河流河道治理方案技术要点进行分析.从河道的平面布置技术要点、横断面设计原则以及纵向设计需考虑的关键因素等方面对彰武县河道设计方案进行探讨,为该区域的中小河流河道治理提供了科学有效的理论支撑.
The Bohai Sea basin is located in the east to the Cenozoic rift basin of North China. It is a inner-land sea basin formed during Late Quaternary time. In this basin there are numerous active faults an
Thanks to the destructive earthquakes of 1906, 1941, 1946, 1994 and 1999, we have obtained an up-to-date movement picture to understand the seismotectonics of the Tainan basin more fully. This picture
Lijiang-Daju fault, the seismogenic fault of the 1996 Lijiang M=7.0 earthquake, can be divided into Lijiang-Yuhu segment in the south and Yuhu-Daju segment in t
When the resultant of applied forces does not pass through the center of an active landmass, the landmass will rotate, giving rise to a rotational tectonic stress field. The motion of a fault along th
By shallow seismic prospecting, it is showed that the faults in the sea area near the Yangtze River mouth are mainly the NE and NW-trending faults. The main activity time of fault is Pliocene to Early