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中德一德中医学协会第11届联合年会于1996年9月在四川省成都市举行,这次年会的重点是交流中德双方近年来肝脏疾病研究成果以及临床经验。为迎接这次盛会,本刊特编译一期肝胆疾病专集,重点介绍近年来德国学者在肝脏疾病领域中的研究成果。德中医学协会理事长 Hpker 教授亲自为本刊收集挑选文章,做了大量仔细的工作。Freiburg 大学的 H.E.Blum 教授、Tibingen 大学的 K.P.Maier 教授和海德堡德国肿瘤研究中心的 P.Bannasch 教授给本刊专门撰写了论文,为本期增色不少,在此表示衷心的感谢!今年2月29日至3月1日在香港举行第90次 Falk 研讨会,重点讨论了肝胆疾病研究的进展。全球肝胆疾病著名专家云集香港,作了精湛的报告,国内有200余位同道参加,受益非浅,为此本刊特将与会德国学者会上报告的论文摘要译出,以飨读者。德国医学以专集形式编译尚属首次,其目的是比较集中地介绍德国医学在某一方面的成就。由于受到资料来源的限制,可能很不全面,为此,深切盼望热忱于中德学术交流的德国学者们,能为本刊各专题撰写一些综合性的进展报道,谨此致以衷心的感谢! The 11th Joint Annual Meeting of Sino-German Medical Association was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in September 1996. The meeting focused on the exchange of research results and clinical experience of liver disease between China and Germany in recent years. In order to meet this grand occasion, we compile and compile a collection of hepatobiliary diseases, highlighting the research results of German scholars in the field of liver diseases in recent years. Professor Hpker, chairman of German Chinese Medicine Association, personally collected and selected articles for this journal and did a great deal of careful work. Professor HEBlum from Freiburg University, Professor KPMaier from Tibingen University and Professor P.Bannasch from German Tumor Research Center, Heidelberg specially wrote a dissertation for this issue and hereby express our heartfelt thanks for this period The 90th Falk Symposium held in Hong Kong from January 29 to March 1 focused on the research progress of hepatobiliary diseases. The world’s leading expert on liver and gall disease gathered in Hong Kong and gave a superb report. More than 200 domestic colleagues attended the conference to benefit greatly. Therefore, we will translate the abstract of the paper presented at the German Scholar Conference to readers. For the first time, German medicine is compiled in the form of a collection of monographs, the purpose of which is to focus on the achievements of German medicine in one aspect. Due to limited sources of information, this may not be comprehensive. To this end, German scholars who are deeply grateful for academic exchanges between China and Germany can write comprehensive progress reports on various topics of this journal. I hereby give my heartfelt thanks!
1 临床资料慢性肺原性心脏病呼吸衰竭时,由于缺氧、二氧化碳潴留,易合并上消化道出血,致使病情恶化。我们在1994年1月至1995年4月间收治了72例患者,均符合1978年制定的肺原
在1940年到1950年之间发展经济学中出现了一些与众不同的思想,这一思想强调收益递增和由市场规模导致的货币外部经济(pecuniary externaleconomies)。不幸的是,提出这些思想