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在我国经济发展的今天,社会活动中的必要能源资源就是电力能源,因此电力能源在我国的社会发展过程扮演着重要的作用,占有重要的位置。在我国的日常生活以及工作过程中不能分开的能源就是电力能源,因此我国的电力能源在我国各个行业占有的地位非常明显,在我国建筑行业中的地位同样非常明显。在现代学建筑设计过程中,强电系统以及弱电系统的设计都是非常重要的,主要的因素在于我国现代建筑工程的自动化以及现代化需要电力能源的有效支持,因此我国现代建筑质量的好坏有一个非常直接的决定因素就是强电以及弱电一体化设计的质量以及应用的效果。强电以及弱电系统在应用的过程中有很多的应用效果,例如建筑行业的配电系统以及照明系统等等,本文主要针对现代建筑设计过程中的强电以及弱电一体化设计进行相应的研究以及分析,希望通过本文的阐述以及分析能够有效提升我国现代建筑设过程中强电以及弱电一体化设计的发展以及创新,同时也为我国现代建筑更好的发展以及创新贡献一份力量。 Today, in our country’s economic development, the necessary energy resources in social activities are electric energy. Therefore, electric energy plays an important role in the social development of our country and occupies an important position. The energy that can not be separated in our country’s daily life and work process is electric energy. Therefore, the status of our country’s electric energy in various industries in our country is very obvious, and the status in China’s construction industry is also very obvious. In the process of modern architecture design, the design of strong electric system and weak electric system are both very important. The main factor is that the modernization of modern construction projects in our country requires the effective support of electric energy. Therefore, the quality of modern buildings in our country is good or bad A very direct determinant is the power and the weak integration of design quality and application results. Strong electric and weak electric system have a lot of application effects in the process of application, for example, distribution system and lighting system in the construction industry, etc. This paper mainly researches the design of strong electric and weak electric integrated in the process of modern building design and Through the elaboration and analysis of this article, I hope that this article can effectively enhance the development and innovation of the integrated design of high-current and weak-current buildings in the process of modern building in our country and also contribute to the better development and innovation of modern architecture in our country.
对法的渊源学者有不同的理解。学说与判例能否作为法的渊源历来有不同的争议 ,学说可以作为我国私法的渊源 ,判例作为法的渊源在大陆法系国家一般作为成文法的补充。学说和判
慢性肾功能衰竭病程中常贯穿着胃肠道症状, 探讨从脾论治慢性肾功能衰竭的理论依据及临床意义, 运用自拟运脾化浊汤辨证加减治疗, 通过调理脾胃功能可有效延缓慢性肾衰竭病程
以2006年12月13日射电爆发事件为例,利用国际GNSS服务(international GNSS service,IGS)观测台网数据,结合L波段太阳射电流量和幅度闪烁指数监测数据,研究了向阳面地基台站对这次射电暴的响应.重点分析了我国境内几个典型地区台站载噪比的变化特征,并评估此次事件对不同地区GNSS服务和定位精度的影响程度.结果表明,太阳射电暴期间:1)GNSS信号受到严重干扰,几乎所有
在射频传感网短基线时差定位(Time Difference of Arrival,TDOA)中,到达时间差的测量是一个重要问题.时间差的测量精度除了受到测量接收机本身系统频响特性影响外,城区无线电波
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield