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《中共中央关于社会主义精神文明建设指导方针的决议》中指出:“思想政治工作是经济工作和其他工作的有力措施,要努力适应新时期的需要,开创思想政治工作的新路子”。如何做好新时期财税系统的思想政治工作,提高广大财税职工的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,促进和保证各项财税工作任务的圆满完成,是财政部门面临的重要任务。近年来,我们吉林省财政厅和省税务局在这方面做了一些初步的探索。一、统一思想,提高做好系统思想政治工作的自 The Resolution of the CPC Central Committee and the Guidelines on the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization states: “Ideological and political work is a powerful measure in economic and other work, and efforts must be made to meet the needs of the new period and create a new path for ideological and political work.” How to do well the ideological and political work of the fiscal and taxation system in the new period, improve the ideological and ethical standards and the scientific and cultural qualities of the general staff and workers of taxation and taxation, and promote and ensure the successful completion of various fiscal and taxation tasks are important tasks for the financial sector. In recent years, we Jilin Province Department of Finance and the Provincial Revenue Agency made some preliminary exploration in this regard. First, unify thinking, improve the system of ideological and political work since
数学课的导入与课末的小结都是学生学习知识的关键,笔者就此谈些建议 The introduction of mathematics lessons and the summary at the end of the lesson are the keys t
在教学实践中要提高教学效果达到教学目的,必须在引导学生参与教学活动的全过程上做好文章。 In teaching practice, we must improve the teaching effect to achieve the
11月17日至19日,第十九届中国新闻奖获奖作品暨第十届长江韬奋奖获奖者高端研讨班在山东济南举行,8位第十届长江韬奋奖获得者、27位第 November 17 to 19, the 19th China N
摘要 情感是激发学生学习动力的一个重要前提,由于数学学科的特殊性,调动学生的学习积极性就更要利用情感的呼唤。教师要树立敬业精神形成积极教师情感,提高语言艺术,增强学生情感体验,构筑师生情感桥梁,去充分调动学生学习数学的动力。  关键词 数学;情感;学习内动力    情感是人对客观事物和对象所持的态度体验。这是一种比较复杂的高级的心理活动现象,为人类所特有。教师的职责历来认为是教书育人,现在不少教师
在初中阶段所学过的“实数(集)”和“代数式(集)”之间既有联系又有区别。文章分析、对比了“式”与“数”概念与运算上的区别与联系。 There are connections and differen
本文结合数学教学实践,从培养创新意识、创新精神、创造性思维灵活运用教材等方面,具体阐述了数学教学如何培养学生创新能力。 This article combines mathematics teaching