
来源 :数理化学习(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfzxl
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物质的量浓度计算是高中化学计算的重要题型之一,也是学习的重点和难点内容.在此对高一化学中涉及到的物质的量浓度计算题型作一归纳,供同学参考.一、根据溶质质量(或物质的量)和溶液体积,利用定义式计算已知溶质的质量(或物质的量)和溶液的体积,计算物质的量浓度时往往使用定 The concentration calculation of the substance is one of the important questions in the high school chemistry calculation, and it is also the key and difficult content of the study. Here, the calculation of the substance concentration calculations in the high school chemistry is summed up for students’ reference. Depending on the mass of the solute (or the amount of material) and the volume of the solution, the mass of the known solute (or the amount of the substance) and the volume of the solution are calculated using a definite formula, which is often used when calculating the mass concentration of the substance.
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