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迎着新世纪的曙光,披着上个世纪的风尘,我们终于走进了光辉灿烂的 21世纪,人类又开始了其历史上的一个崭新纪元。立足世纪之门,我们心潮澎湃,思绪万千:多少沧桑的篇章已化为昨夜星辰,多少憧憬的描绘正勾勒着今朝的云蒸霞蔚。新的世纪,为我们带来了新的发展机遇,新的精 In the face of the dawn of the new century, dressed in the dust of the last century, we have finally entered the splendid 21st century and mankind has embarked on a brand new era in its history. Based on the door of the century, we have an upsurge of emotions and thoughts: how many vicissitudes of the chapter have been turned into stars last night, and how much we are looking forward to is depicting the current steam cloud Xia Wei. The new century has brought us new development opportunities and new essences
Dr.Lan Que was b in 1959 in Wuhan,the capital city of Hubei province,China.It may have been her childhood experience as a 13-year-old girl with a shaking body b
Sexual dimorphism is a widespread phenomenon in Lepidoptera.It is reflected in differences in life history,behavior and morphology.Analyses of differences in be
Knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate courtship and mating behavior in Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti)-a koinobiont endophagous solitary parasitoid of the
本研究以富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.cv.Red Fuji)/平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis)为试材,于2007-2009年在淄博沂源县社庄村果园、山东农业大学果树实验站进行。利用酶联免疫技