Singapore: “Single Window” to Work for Trade Facilitation

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  With foreign trade being an important part of world economic growth today, “Single Window”, a cross-border trade facilitation system, plays a vital role in promoting trade facilitation and the rise of international trade. Leading the world in such practice, Singapore has employed the model of public platform that can be set as a good example. As the designer and operator of the first international version of “Single Window”, CrimsonLogic is in charge of the planning, building, and operation of “Single Window”, and extensively takes part in foreign trade worldwide. As a result, it has accumulated rich experience and is now having proactive cooperation with China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on promoting the building of “Single Window”.
  The 8th lecture of the Beibu Gulf Forum, hosted by China’s Guangxi Office of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and Cooperation with ASEAN Countries and held recently, invited Chong Kok Keong, Assistant CEO of Singapore’s CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd and CEO of Singapore’s Gets Global Pte Ltd, for giving in-depth interpretation of “Single Window” practices in Singapore and other parts of the world, and the China-ASEAN trade facilitation based on the “Single Window” cooperation between Guangxi and Singapore.
  Singapore’s “Single Window” for promoting trade facilitation
  Headquartered in Singapore, CrimsonLogic will celebrate its 30th anniversary of founding in 2018, with its 800 employees across the world. According to Chong Kok Keong, launched by the government, Singapore’s “Single Window” building started from the Trade Net operated by CrimsonLogic in 1980s, the first electronic trade customs clearance system nationwide, i.e., the first “Single Window” system ever in the world.
  Then how does the Trade Net system work? It connects 35 government agencies of Singapore including customs office, tax authorities, by which all formality with regard to applications, declarations, permits, approvals, and controls in import and export (including intermediary trade) are executed. Running around the clock, the system can automatically receive, process, permit and return the electronic files. The latest version Trade Net 4.0 was put into operation in October 2017, which features streamlining permit structure and optimized processing services.
  As Chong Kok Keong pointed out, exempting traders from the complicated procedures of paperwork submission, the Trade Net system combines the multiple agencies to offer one-stop services of custom clearance at single window, which not only saves costs but also raises efficiency. Before the system was in service, each deal of customs clearance usually took 2-7 days but takes 10 minutes only with the system in operation now. Traders can submit application and receive permit within 10 seconds via the Internet. With an annual handling capacity of trade volume of SGD 700 billion, the Trade Net 4.0 can help reduce a trade cost as much as US$ 1 billion.   The impact of Trade Net has been huge, and with the launch of Singapore Customs Office and other government departments, CrimsonLogic began to build the platform TradeXchange with the Trade Net as the core component, as a national trade and logistics platform of IT, which facilitates information exchanges among business, enterprises and government agencies and immensely enhances the circulation efficiency of goods movement in and out of Singapore.
  During the entire operation of “Single Window”, “CrimsonLogic has maintained a positive partnership with the government. CrimsonLogic is concerned about the technological aspect of the work, whereas the government is responsible for implementation of the relevant policies,” said Chong Kok Keong.
  The model of “Single Window” practice across the world
  Singapore then spread the model of “Single Window” to the whole world. Chong Kok Keong said, “We have established 22 link points globally, and our goal is 50 by 2018.” He also shared three successful cases of “Single Window” outside of Singapore.
  The first case is the achievement of direct trade in Saudi Arabia. The country wanted to manage its government agencies by electronic data exchanges so as to promote the trade facilitation. Local traders benefit immensely from the project, which also help boost the efficiency of government and industries, with time of import formality cut by 50% and the economic competitiveness of Saudi Arabia raised, its ranking up 17 places in the World Bank’s Doing Business report.
  The second case took place in Botswana, an African country. The trade system of that country could not meet the needs of development and choice had to be made for making changes on the existing system or adopting a new one to enhance the trade development. To this end, CrimsonLogic based its project not only on the demand of the government, but also on the field inspections made in the country to identify the real need of the country, and finally provided a good solution that satisfies needs of all related parties.
  The third case was in India, where CrimsonLogic had to realize the data exchanges amidst 16 sea ports which have individually different demands. “Under such circumstance, we must rely on local partners to eliminate difference with such cooperation, and we also received supports from local governments which helped reduce the flow time among ports,” said Chong Kok Keong. As he pointed out, the success of the above three cases can be attributed to the following points:   First, the project must be forward-looking and taking everything into consideration. Second, a project of trade facilitation is not merely one of information technology (IT) or one of business flow, but a project of human power which includes a lot of aspects, and the project must detect the real needs of people. Third, trade facilitation is so complicated that it is necessary to adopt international standard for cutting time. Fourth, projects must be carried out in accordance with local conditions, which may call for participation of multiple parties, for example, cooperation of companies.
  Despite the achievements made in “Single Window”, China and Guangxi are still late in taking such practice and there is still much experience of Singapore and its practice worldwide they can draw on.
  Guangxi working with Singapore for “Single Window”
  China’s pilot point of “Single Window” was launched in Shanghai Free Trade Zone in 2014 and with two years of continuous building, the platform of “Single Window” has been established in coastal provinces of the country. In March 2017, it was listed in the national 13th Five-Year Plan to build single window of international trade, which has become the important tool to promote trade facilitation, streamline formality and implement E-commerce on the part of the Chinese government.
  With the foreign trade “Single Window” of Guangxi operating online in December 2015, Guangxi becomes the first land in West China with “Single Window” service. The service has become the platform of public information and customs clearance of data exchanges and sharing among port administrative bodies of Guangxi. In accordance with planning, the service will also be expanded and extended at both directions from the existing scope of work, to make a platform of port comprehensive law enforcement and public information service.
  In September 2017, China-ASEAN Information Harbor Co. Ltd signed Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation with Singapore’s Gets Global Pte Ltd, which aims to promote the connectivity of foreign trade “Single Windows” of China and ASEAN countries in the form of B2B. And Gets Global Pte Ltd, which is newly founded, has CrimsonLogic as its parent company.
  Chong Kok Keong pointed out, “To further promote the ‘Single Window’ service of Singapore for China, especially for Guangxi, the best way is the partnership with China-ASEAN Information Harbor Co., Ltd. in Guangxi.” “‘Single Window’ is such a very sophisticated system that calls for the involvement of many more parties than only CrimsonLogic the project owner, especially the participation of local partners and local government, and both sides of the MOU will further promote the project step by step in future, ” he added.
2017年11月19日,2017中国—东盟国际马拉松在防城港市激情开跑,来自中国、越南、老挝、波兰、肯尼亚等国家的上万名选手齐聚这一美丽的全海景生态海湾城市享受奔跑带来的乐趣。近年来,防城港市举办了多项国际赛事活动,推动和形成当地与东盟国家民间文化交流的制度化、常态化模式,形成了不断深化中国—东盟人文交流、民心相通的“防城港渠道”。  马拉松赛也是人文交流的盛会  据了解,为促进民间交流,带动旅游
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有一种歌是唱给海洋的。  “一送涯(‘涯’在客家话中是‘我’之意,以下同)郎去过番(咧),洋船等到(啰)粤海关,涯哥想去又想转(啰),去就容易(哟)转时难,涯哥想去又想转(啰),去就容易(哟)转时难。”这是一首著名的广东客家山歌。无论是在中国广州星海音乐厅华丽的舞台,还是在乡间简朴的歌坪上,歌者唱出它时,我们听到的总是一片涛声。  歌声里的“下南洋”  “阿哥出门去过番,惠州搭船过海关。阴间寻钱阳
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On October 29, 2017, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) participated in the 9th “Love Knows No Borders” International Charity Sale held in the Workers’ Stadium in Beijing. The Charity Sale was initiated by Mme.
7月14日,第八次東盟互联互通研讨会召开。东盟互联互通协调委员会轮值主席、菲律宾常驻东盟代表伊丽莎白·布恩苏塞索表示,东盟愿意推进《东盟互联互通总体规划2025》与“一带一路”倡议的对接合作。  伊丽莎白·布恩苏塞索:欢迎亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)等多边金融机构积极参与东盟国家的基础设施建设。  虽然东盟国家基础设施建设的资金需求巨大,但一些基础设施建设项目对于国际资金的吸引力不大,在项目和资
盛夏7月,中國国内正值稻谷、瓜果成熟的季节。而站在柬埔寨暹粒省的伦达艾生态村,则可以看到豆角、黄瓜等果蔬正缠绕在一排排架子上,长势正旺。绕过那一垄一垄的绿藤,还可以看到中国援柬的农业技术专家正在专注地给柬埔寨当地农民传授技术。伦达艾生态村正是许多柬埔寨官民熟知的中—柬农业促进中心项目基地之一。  2015年9月17日,广西福沃得农业技术国际合作有限公司(以下简称福沃得公司)在“一带一路”倡议和企业