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西安碑林博物馆副研究员王其祎校点的《图画见闻志》一书,作为新世纪万有文库丛书第五辑传统文化书系中的一种,于2001年2月由辽宁教育出版社出版发行,该书与《历代名画记》合为一册出版,32开本,162千字,第一次印刷3000册,定价7.00元。《图画见闻志》作者为郭若虚,北宋并州太原(今山西太原)人,他是真宗郭皇后的侄孙,仁宗弟弟相王赵允弼的女婿,做过供备库使和西京左藏使,出使过辽国。从他写的《图画见闻志》的自序中可知他祖父、父亲都是爱好书画、收藏书画的显贵官员,他自己也是位收藏 As one of the fifth series of traditional culture books in the New Century Universal Library Series published by the Publishing House of Liaoning Education Press in February 2001, The book and the “history of famous paintings in mind,” a volume published, 32 open book, 162 words, the first 3000 copies of printing, pricing 7.00 yuan. He is the son-in-law of Zhao Yunbi, brother-in-law of Emperor Zhenzong, and the son-in- Over Liao. From the preface of “Picture Seeing Wen Zhi” written by him, we can see that his grandfather and his father are both dignitaries and officials who love painting and calligraphy and calligraphy and painting, and he himself is also a collector
日本协和商工株式会社最近研制成功一种“水压式磁力记录型波高计”。该波高计内装微型计算机,观测波高的功能齐全,记录部分具有自检功能,现场使用方便,读数准 Japan’s Co
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