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目的研究安徽省宁国市有螺无病地区钉螺与日本血吸虫的相容性,探索有螺无病地区形成的原因。方法采集宁国市有螺无病地区钉螺600只,随机分为2组,每组300只。在实验室条件下以本省日本血吸虫毛蚴进行钉螺群体感染,两组钉螺与毛蚴比例分别为1∶20和1∶40。以相同方法感染铜陵县的肋壳钉螺和泾县的光壳钉螺作为对照。感染后将钉螺置于室内22~24℃温度下饲养90d,观察各组钉螺感染率和死亡情况。结果在1∶20组和1∶40组中,宁国市有螺无病地区钉螺均未能被日本血吸虫成功感染,而铜陵县的肋壳钉螺和泾县的光壳钉螺均感染成功。至观察期结束时,无论是自然死亡率还是感染后死亡率,铜陵县的肋壳钉螺均显著低于宁国市有螺无病地区钉螺和泾县的光壳钉螺(均P<0.05),而后两地钉螺死亡率差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论当地钉螺与日本血吸虫不相容可能是宁国市有螺无病地区形成的主要原因之一。 Objective To study the compatibility of Oncomelania japonica and Schistosoma japonicum in snail-free areas in Ningguo, Anhui Province, and to explore the reasons for the formation of snail-free disease. Methods Six hundred snails were collected from the snail-free areas in Ningguo City. They were randomly divided into two groups (n = 300). In the laboratory conditions to the province of Schistosoma japonicum mirabilis infection snail population, the two groups of snails and miracidosis were 1:20 and 1:40. The same method was used to infect the rib snails in Tongling County and the snails in Jingxian County as control. Infected snails placed in the indoor temperature of 22 ~ 24 ℃ feeding 90d, observe the infection rate and death of snails in each group. Results In the 1:20 group and the 1:40 group, snails were not successfully infected by Schistosoma japonicum in the endemic areas of Ningguo, but all the snails were successfully infected in the snail of the rib crusts and Jingxian county in Tongling County. By the end of the observation period, both the natural and the post-infection mortality rates were significantly lower in Tongling County than in Snail and Jingxian County (P <0.05), and then There was no significant difference in the mortality of Oncomelania snails between the two sites (P> 0.05). Conclusion The incompatibility of local snails with Schistosoma japonicum may be one of the main reasons for the formation of snail-free disease in Ningguo.
摘要:作为实现课堂优质教学的一个重要手段,课堂情境教学方法应在实践中不断优化,以提升教学品质与效率。在此,先以文本为出发点优化设计导语与教学目标,再进而优化情境教学的过程,促进教学迁移。并结合课文《断魂枪》的教学案例,阐述具体的高中语文课堂情境教学设计优化的方法,为高中语文课堂情境教学的设计优化提供参考。  关键词:高中语文;情境教学设计;情境教学优化  一、高中语文课堂情境教学设计的方法  1.
缺血性脑损伤是具有复杂的病理生理过程,是多种机制共同作用的结果.研究发现脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF) 及其受体的表达变化影响缺血性脑损伤中神经细胞的存活与凋亡.本文回顾