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麦克·毕比,科克·辛里奇,贾森·特里,里安德罗·巴尔博萨,这四个人中谁的场均得分最多?答案是巴尔博萨(18.1分),而前三人都是队中的铁打主力控卫,只有巴西人是球队的第六人,本赛季,巴尔博萨的场均得分比去年整整多了5分。凯文·马丁,德文·哈里斯,蒙塔·埃利斯,里安德罗·巴尔博萨,这四名双能卫中谁的场均助攻数最多?还是巴尔博萨,本赛季他场均助攻4.0次、而去年这个数字是2.8。同样,这四个人中只有巴尔博萨还在默默地做着替补。再猜猜,在雷·阿伦,迈克尔·里德,乔·约翰逊和里安德罗·巴尔博萨这四个人中谁的三分球命中率最高?没错,还是这个巴西小伙(43.4%),你应该知道,前三位可都是他们所在球队的当家球星,而且都以三分神准著称。对巴尔博萨当选本赛季联盟最佳第六人没有人会报以非议,想想看,如果太阳队去年夏天没有在他成为受限制自由球员的时候以5年3300万的中产合同签下他,今年夏天他会值多钱?“他最出色的地方就在于他总是能够适时地投中三分。”德·安东尼对弟子的评价一语中的。事实上,评选最佳第六人的最重要标准就是看一个球员是否能够在球队最需要他的时候挺身而出,本赛季巴尔博萨用他的三分球和突破屡次将球队从失败的边缘上拉回来,他已经成为了球队破解联防的最有效利器。“我以前也经常为这个问题所困扰,但是我已经在联盟里打了4年了。”在谈到他那些关键的进球时,巴尔博萨这样说道,“我对于自己能够拥有那样的机会而感到荣幸,我喜欢在那种情况下投篮,那种感觉真的很好。” Mike Bibby, Cork Hinrich, Jason Terry, and Leandro Balboosa, who scored the most on average among all four men? The answer was to Barbarossa (18.1), while former All three are the main point guards in the team, only Brazilians are the team’s sixth man this season, Barbosa’s scoring a full 5 points more than last year. Kevin Martin, Devon Harris, Monta Ellis, André Barrosa, who averaged the most assists per game among the four doubles defenders? Or is Barbosa, this season he Averaging 4.0 assists, compared with 2.8 last year. Likewise, only Barbosa was the silent substitute among the four. And guess which of the four pointers Ray Allen, Michael Reid, Joe Johnson and Leandro Balboosa hit the highest three-pointers? Yes, this Brazilian guy (43.4% ), You should know that the top three are both the star of the team they belong to, and they are all known with one-thirds. No one will complain about winning the sixth best man in the league this season and wondering if the Suns signed him as a restricted free agent last summer with a $ 33 million midsize contract How much would he be worth this summer? “” The best part about him is that he’s always able to hit a third in a timely manner. “” D’Antoni’s comment on his disciples. In fact, the most important criterion for selecting the best sixth man is to see if a player can come forward when the team needs him most. This season, with his three-pointers and breakthroughs, The edge of the pull back, he has become the team the most effective weapon to crack defense. “I used to be bothered with this problem, but I’ve played in the league for four years.” “When it comes to his key goals, Barbosa said,” I’m in a position to own I feel honored by that chance and I really like shooting in that situation. That feeling really good. "
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