Shanghai forward micro-motor factory production Wing licensing hand-held electric ultra-low volume sprayer, passed the technical appraisal in 1983 and throughout the country to promote, welcomed by farmers. Its main features are: 1. Efficacy, labor-saving. To 80 acres of fields as a unit, spray finished a drug only one person a day can be completed, the equivalent of 28 knapsack sprayer workload. As the spraying speed, short cycle control, can effectively control the spread of pests. 2. Light weight, labor-saving and water-saving. Knapsack sprayer with medicine weighs 25 to 30 pounds, while the ultra-low volume sprayer less than 4 pounds. Based on 80 mu of paddy field for two seasons, the water consumption is equivalent to 1 / 1,000 knapsack, greatly reducing the labor intensity, which is more remarkable for the use in dry and drought-prone areas.