水稻新病害——細菌性褐斑病的研究 第一报,发生为害、病症及病原鑑定

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1.近年来东北地区在水稻上发生一种国内尙未见报导过的新的细菌病害毡榉⑸诤诹⒓帧⒘赡 >?957年调查延边地区发病率为20—30%,海龙县最高发病率达30%左右。1959年调查吉林省一般发病率在20—30%,重者可达100%。本病对水稻的生育影响颇大,一般减产在5%左右。2.水稻细菌性褐斑病病原细菌,是借伤口和自然孔(水孔、气孔)侵染寄主。3.从病症、发生部位、病原细菌生理生化反应比较研究结果证知,细菌性褐斑病和Klement氏1955年在匈牙利报导的Bruzone病(pseudomonas oryzicola)很相似,但彼此间较明显的区别在于:前者在东北苗期卽大量发生于叶片上,但未见于节上;而Bruzone病只有在例外情况下才侵染叶片,并发生于节上。其次Bruzone病未见记载病斑周围呈黄色水浸状,后期中央枯死及病斑往往融合连结一起等特征。病原细菌在形态、生理生化反应上主要区别在于:前者较后者菌体小,能分解果糖、甘露醇、甘油及麦芽糖生酸及分解天门冬生氨,并能水解淀粉,但水解能力不强。据上述各点两者间虽很近似,但彼此间尙有较明显的区别,因此细菌性褐斑病病原细菌可能是Pseudomonas oryzicola的变种抑或同一菌种的不同菌系,尙待进一步研究确定。 1. In recent years, a new bacterial disease that has not been reported on rice in Northeast China has been reported in the country. 95 Felt Beech ⑸  诤 诹 ⒓ ⒓ ⒘ ⒘ 95 95 95 95 95? -30%, the highest incidence of Hailong County up to 30%. 1959 survey of Jilin Province, the general incidence of 20-30%, severe cases up to 100%. The disease has a significant impact on the reproduction of rice, the general reduction of about 5%. 2. Rice bacterial brown spot pathogenic bacteria, by wounds and natural holes (water holes, stomatal) infection host. According to the results of physiological and biochemical reactions of pathogenic bacteria and pathogens, the results showed that bacterial brown spot was similar to Klement’s Bruzon disease (pseudomonas oryzicola) reported in Hungary in 1955, but the obvious difference from each other was that : The former occurred in large numbers in the northeast seedling stage in the leaves, but not seen in the festival; and Bruzone disease only in exceptional circumstances invade the leaves, and occurred in the festival. Followed by Bruzone disease has not been recorded around the lesion yellowish water-soaked, the late dead and the central spot is often a combination of fusion and other characteristics. Pathogenic bacteria in morphological, physiological and biochemical reactions on the main difference is that the former than the latter cell is small, can decompose fructose, mannitol, glycerol and malt sugar acid and decomposition of aspartate ammonia, and can hydrolyze starch, but the hydrolysis is not strong . According to the above points, the two are quite similar, but there is a clear distinction between them. Therefore, the bacterial pathogen of brown spot may be a variant of Pseudomonas oryzicola or a different strain of the same species, pending further study.
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