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史量才是近代中国著名报人、民主主义战士。在辛亥革命前的大变革中,他一方面支持维新变法,热心学习西方科学知识,积极兴办新式教育和职业技术教育,先后创立了松江泗泾私立养正小学和上海女子桑蚕学校,走上了教育救国的路子;另一方面积极参加保护沪宁杭铁路权的运动和立宪政治活动。辛亥革命期间,他参与了江苏省的独立活动及后来在上海举行的南北议和;袁世凯窃取革命果实后,他拒绝拉拢腐蚀,利用自己经办的《申报》这一当时具有重大影响的报纸工具和特殊阵地反对袁世凯的倒行逆施,表现了一个报人的新闻良知和知识分子的人格,为后来中国新闻事业的发展作出表率。 History is the famous modern Chinese newspaper, a democratic fighter. In the great revolution before the Revolution of 1911, on the one hand, he supported reform and reform, enthusiastically studied western scientific knowledge, actively organized new education and vocational and technical education, established Songjiang Sijing Private Yangzheng Primary School and Shanghai Women’s Silkworm School successively, Education to save the country; on the other hand, it actively participated in the movement of protecting the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou railway and the constitutional and political activities. During the 1911 Revolution, he took part in the independent activities in Jiangsu Province and the subsequent South-North Congress in Shanghai. After Yuan stole the revolutionary fruits, he refused to draw in the corrosive use of the newspaper newspaper, the then influential newspaper tool he had run, and The counter-offensive against Yuan Shikai in a special position demonstrated the conscience of journalists and intellectuals, and set an example for the subsequent development of China’s journalism.
通过分享国网浙江湖州办公大楼节能改造案例,树立电力系统办公大楼节能运行的典范。 By sharing the case of energy-saving renovation of State Grid Zhejiang Huzhou Off
“十五”期间 ,我国防水材料行业将重点发展改性沥青防水卷材 ,积极发展高分子防水卷材 ,适当发展防水涂料 ,注重开发密封材料和止水堵漏材料。到 2 0 0 5年新型防水材料占有
澳大利亚托马戈铝业公司1发展沿革与当前概况托马戈铝业公司(TomagoAlumniumCo.Ltd.)位于纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)西北约13km的托马戈(Tomago)工业区,靠近新南威尔士(NewSouthWales)亨特(Hunter)河,... Australian Tomago Aluminium Company 1 Evolution a
本文分析了双速风机的机理及优点,讨论了双速风机电气控制的方法及需要注意的问题。 This paper analyzes the mechanism and advantages of the two-speed fan, discusses
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目的对于外伤病人利用自动曝光控制(AEC)系统行多层CT胸腹部扫描,评估手臂的位置对影像质量和有效放射剂量的影响。材料和方法该研究经机构伦理委员会 Objective To evaluat