重庆市梁平县是全国三大名柚乡之一 ,其梁平柚生产栽培已逾 2 0 0多年历史。目前全县规模种植的主要有梁平柚和虎城柚 ,到 1 998年 ,柚已发展到 72 0 0hm2 、5 40万株 ,年产果 4.5万t,产植 70 0 0万元 ,创利税 5 6 0万元。建成柚类生产基地镇乡 2 0个、专业村 1 0 5个、科技
Liangping County, Chongqing Municipality, is one of the three famous grapefruit townships in the country. Its production and cultivation of Liangping pomelo has more than 200 years of history. At present, there are mainly Liangping pomelo and Hucheng pomelo planted in the entire county scale. By 1998, pomelo has grown to 72,000hm2 and 54,000 plants, with an annual output of 45,000 tons and an annual output of 7.0 million yuan, earning a profit and tax 56 million yuan. Built pomelo production base Township 20, 105 professional villages, science and technology