The 17th SpinExpo Shanghai Reveals the Latest Industry Trend

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The 17th session of SPINEXPO Shanghai show has successfully drawn its curtains at Pudong Expo on the morning of Mar 8th.During the 3-day exhibition, 146 top-level exhibitors from 11 different countries joined this industrial pageant and brought to Shanghai the most complete and selective international offer in the field of creative yarns and fibres.Meanwhile it presented the Spring/Summer 2012 trends&collections to all buyers. Besides,with 9,456 visitors for a Spring/Summer season as compared to 7,846 visitors for the previous Autumn/Winter edition,the increase in international visitors was 22%.The number of Chinese visitors rose to 7,741 as compared to The 17th session of SPINEXPO Shanghai show has successfully drawn its curtains at Pudong Expo on the morning of Mar 8th. During the 3-day exhibition, 146 top-level exhibitors from 11 different countries joined this industrial pageant and brought to Shanghai the most complete and selective international offer in the field of creative yarns and fibers. Jean and it presented the Spring / Summer 2012 trends & collections to all buyers. Besides, with 9,456 visitors for a Spring / Summer season as compared to 7,846 visitors for the previous Autumn / Winter edition, the increase in international visitors was 22%. The number of Chinese visitors rose to 7,741 as compared to
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17世纪,欧洲各国盛行航海热潮,许多与游记有关的小说应运而生。其间影响较大的便是英国作家笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》和他的同胞约拿丹·斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》。 In the 1