Air-Decking Technique in Bench Blasting

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djldh138
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The mechanism and the design parameters of blasting with air-decking are studied. The theory of detonation waves is used to investigate the processes of the one-dimensional plane detonation wave within a borehole. The interac- tion of the rarefaction wave with an interface and reflection on a rigid wall is also analyzed. The same courses of the shock wave are also investigated. This decides the distribution of the pressure of the explosion products changing with time along the borehole. Based on the above theoretical analysis, two conditions should be met for a reasonable range of values of the air-decking ratio in blasting rock. First, the rarefaction wave from the contact interface between detonation products and air reaches the bottom earlier than that of the reflected shock wave from the end of the stemming. Second, the reflected shock wave reaches the contact interface between the detonation products and air earlier than that of the reflected rarefaction wave from the bottom of the borehole. Finally, the reasonable value of the air-decking ratio must be decided theoretically in air-decking blasting. For different explosives, the reasonable range of air-decking ratio varies from 0.15 to 0.4. This result is well consistent with what was obtained by previous researchers. The mechanism and the design parameters of blasting with air-decking are studied. The theory of detonation waves is used to investigate the processes of the one-dimensional plane detonation wave within a borehole. The interac tion of the rarefaction wave with an interface and The same courses of the shock wave are also investigated. This decides the distribution of the pressure of the explosion products changing with time along the borehole. Based on the above theoretical analysis, two conditions should be met for a reasonable range of values ​​of the air-decking ratio in blasting rock. First, the rarefaction wave from the contact interface between detonation products and air reaches the bottom earlier than that of the reflected shock wave from the end of the stemming. Second, the reflected shock wave reaches the contact interface between the detonation products and air earlier than that of the reflected rarefaction wave from the bottom of th e borehole. Finally, the reasonable value of the air-decking ratio must be decided theoretically in air-decking blasting. For different explosives, the reasonable range of air-decking ratio varies from 0.15 to 0.4. This result is well consistent with what was obtained by previous researchers.
摘要:学生学习成绩的提高,以及对每一科学习内容的兴趣高低,与非智力因素有很大的关系。本文就地理教师应如何培养学生的非智力因素作了探讨,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。  关键词:非智力因素;提高;地理教学效果  中图分类号:G633.55 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)17-0034  一、学习需要的激发  需要是个体和社会的客观需要在人脑中的反映,是人活动的基本动力,是个性积极
【摘 要】评价深刻影响着教学。评价必须尊重孩子的差异,实行因材施评。评价的本质是精神激励,促进学生快乐成长,评价的视野要拓展到学生发展的所有领域,评价的指向要着眼于培养最好的学习者。实行因材施评,在评价标准的制定方面要注重个性,评价时机的把握要善于等待,评价结果的呈现要力求多样,评价过程的创新要从“定评”走向“展评”,评价主体要回归自主。  【关键词】教学评价;差异化;评价主体  【中图分类号】G