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课间操在我国中、小学已实行了几十年,在学校教学中占有重要地位,它是学校生活制度的一项合理规定,是根据学生健康和学习的需要而安排的。目前学校的课间操主要是以做广播体操为主,它在缓解学生的学习压力,消除大脑疲劳,提高学生的学习效率方面发挥了重要的作用。课间操一般都是集体进行的,通过操练队形,整齐动作,可以对学生进行遵守纪律和集体主义观念的教育,因此搞好课间操,在某种意义上说就是进行校风学风建设,对学生进行思想政治教育。此外课间操时间举行的升国旗、唱国歌等系列活动还是对学生进行爱国主义教育的重要内容。但是,目前部分学校由于受场地、器材、课时、人员等诸多方面因素的制约,课间操很难达到实际要求的效果。多年的教育教学实践表明,现行的课间操内容和形式与青少年学生的 Classroom exercises have been implemented in primary and secondary schools in China for decades. They play an important role in school teaching. It is a reasonable provision of school life system and is arranged according to the needs of students’ health and learning. At present, the school’s inter-classroom exercises mainly focus on doing gymnastics exercises. It plays an important role in alleviating students’ learning pressure, eliminating brain fatigue, and improving students’ learning efficiency. Classroom exercises are generally carried out collectively. Through the practice of teamwork and neat movements, students can be educated in observance of discipline and collectivism. Therefore, in order to do a good job of classroom exercises, in a certain sense, it is to carry out school style study. Conduct ideological and political education for students. In addition, a series of activities such as raising the national flag and singing the national anthem during class hours are also important elements in patriotic education for students. However, due to many factors such as venues, equipment, class hours, and personnel, some schools are not able to meet the practical requirements. Years of education and teaching practice show that the current content and form of class exercises and young students
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