1997年5月1日,我驻香港部队陆海空三军全部试穿我军新一代军服。我们看到,由礼服、春秋常服、夏常服、绒(毛)衣、大衣、作训服、体能训练服等组成的我军新一代军服,配上军鞋、大沿帽、贝雷帽以及配套服饰,在明媚的阳光下熠熠生辉。这是我军新一代军服首次向世人展示英姿。 新军服一改过去直筒式、大裤裆、肥裤腿的老式样,以全新的款式、全新的材料及优美的线条,充分展
On May 1, 1997, all three armed forces of the armed forces in Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong, the Armed Forces, all tried on the new generation of military uniforms at our army. We have seen that a new generation of military uniforms consisting of dress, spring and autumn uniforms, summer uniforms, cashmere (wool) garments, coats, training suits and physical training clothes, coupled with military shoes, large hats, berets and Accessories clothing, shine in the bright sunshine. This is the first time a new generation of military uniforms to show the world heroic. The new uniforms to change the past straight-type, large crotch, fat trousers, old style, with a new style, new materials and beautiful lines, fully exhibited