
来源 :中华中医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubin506
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中医骨伤科的临床决策有其自身的优势与短板,在诊断思路上与西医骨科区别不大,所不同者在于中医骨伤科的诊断比较直观、粗放,而西医骨科可利用的检查手段众多,可帮助医生作出更加精确的诊断。中医骨伤科虽然治疗手段较多,但保守治疗为其主要特色,除了在劳损性或退行性伤病方面治疗效果超过西医骨科外,其他方面取得的成就却远不及西医骨科手术。中医骨伤科临床决策的未来发展方向应当是扬长避短、博采众长、借鉴西医骨科循证决策的方法,走出一条富有特色的创新之路。 Chinese orthopedic clinical decision-making has its own advantages and short board, in the diagnostic ideas and Western orthopedics is not much different, the difference lies in the diagnosis of orthopedic orthodontic more intuitive and extensive, and Western orthopedic available examination means Numerous, can help doctors make more accurate diagnosis. Although there are more treatments for orthopedics and traumatology in traditional Chinese medicine, conservative treatment is the main feature. In addition to the treatment effect of sterilizing or degenerative diseases over Western medicine and orthopedics, achievements in other fields are far less than that of Western medicine and orthopedics. The future direction of clinical decision-making of orthopedics in traditional Chinese medicine should be based on strengths and weaknesses, learn from others, draw lessons from the evidence-based decision-making methods of orthopedics in Western medicine and walk out of a distinctive path of innovation.
目的:通过2940 nm激光联合5-氨基酮戊酸(ALA)光动力治疗面部多发性难治性扁平疣,观察临床疗效及不良反应,以期寻找出更好的治疗方法.方法:收集2015年-2016年末我中心就诊的面
1 病历摘要rn患者男,36岁.因臀部褐色斑块2年余,伴瘙痒,于2017年3月22日来我院就诊.患者2年前无明显诱因臀部出现少量褐色斑块,伴轻度瘙痒,皮损逐渐增多.在当地医院多次就诊,
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