
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfang1896
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1.严把工程设计关,加强对工程造价的事前控制。一是实行限额设计。工程设计直接决定着工程造价。施工图设计是进行图纸预算的基础和前提,是合理组织施工,加强施工管理,确保施工质量与工期的重要措施。而图纸预算是在施工图设计的基础上形成的,是进行经济核算和控制工程投资规模的基础,是建设单位对施工单位办理工程结算、拨付工程款、签订合同的重要依据。因此,在工程立项以后,相关职能部门要依据党委的决心意图和财力的可能,事先确定工程投资规模,加强对工程造价的总体控制。要挑选设计资质高、业务精、责任心强的设计部门,精心设计图纸,制定严格的技术要求和标准等级。图纸没计后要进行“三方”(设计方、建设方、施工方)会审,确保施工图纸的合理性、科学性。在开工前,还要组织技术人员对施工图设计和图纸预算审定,确保工程造价准确、合理。防止出现“边预算边施工”的现象,导致 1. Strict engineering design, strengthen the project cost control in advance. First, the implementation of quota design. Engineering design directly determines the project cost. Construction drawing design is the basis and premise for the drawing budget, which is an important measure to organize construction reasonably, strengthen construction management and ensure construction quality and construction period. The drawings and blueprints are formed on the basis of the construction drawing design, which is the basis for carrying out economic accounting and controlling the investment scale of the project. It is an important basis for the construction unit to process construction settlement, appropriation of construction funds and sign of contracts with construction units. Therefore, after the establishment of the project, the relevant functional departments shall, according to the determination of the party committees and the possibility of financial resources, determine in advance the project investment scale and strengthen the overall control of the project cost. To select the design of high-quality, professional, strong sense of responsibility of the design department, well-designed drawings, the development of strict technical requirements and standards. After the drawings are not to be carried out “tripartite ” (design side, the construction side, the construction side) will be examined to ensure the construction drawings reasonable and scientific. Before starting construction, but also organize technical staff on the construction drawings and drawings approved budget to ensure that the project cost is accurate and reasonable. Prevent “side of the budget while construction ” phenomenon, resulting
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