以德强身 以学强身 以技强身

来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a_hai1983
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随着加入WTO,中国的改革开放进入了一个新的阶段。如何在竞争中生存、发展、取胜,中国三江航天集团红阳厂结合多年的实践和思考,提出了自己的竞争哲学:以德强身、以学强身、以技强身。以德强身是根本。这里的“德”主要指企业的价值理念,企业的德要由职工个人的德来组成和支撑,引导、影响着职工个人的德的形成。红阳厂作为国防三线企业,祖国至上是我们的信念。正是由于对党的忠诚和对祖国的热爱,一大批职工才能舍弃都市优裕的生活来到贫瘠荒凉的山区,“战骄阳、建红阳”,在光秃秃的山岭上建成现代化的大厂房;才能为了抢任务,把床铺搬到车车,饿了吃口快餐面,困了凉水冲冲头,确保生产24小时不断 With China’s accession to the WTO, China’s reform and opening up has entered a new phase. How to survive, develop and win in the competition, China Sanjiang Aerospace Group Hongyang plant combined with years of practice and thinking, put forward their own competition philosophy: Moral virtue, to learn to strengthen the body and skills to physical. Moral strength is the fundamental. Here, “virtue” mainly refers to the value concept of an enterprise. The moral of an enterprise is composed and supported by the individual morality of the staff and workers, guiding and influencing the formation of the individual’s morality. Hongyang plant as a third-line defense business, the motherland is our supreme belief. It is precisely because of the party’s loyalty and love of the motherland that a large number of workers and staff can give up their urban well-to-do life to barren desolate mountains, “fighting the sun, building Hongyang,” and building modern factories on bare mountains; In order to grab the task, the bed moved to the car, hungry, eat fast food noodles, sleepy cold water punch, to ensure that the production of 24 hours
一般认为霍乱弧菌O1群不会引起菌血 Vibrio cholerae O1 group is generally considered not cause bacteremia
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