
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:re_man
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后牙萌出不足可产生后牙开验。作者对原发性萌出不足的可能原因与治疗作了讨论。后牙萌出不足主要由于1.萌出机制与牙周韧带结构异常。2.牙萌出一部份后又停止萌出,可能是由于局部血循环供血不足。此外,机械干扰一舌、软组织压力大于萌出力,多余牙、乳牙根或齿槽骨未吸收以及粘连等对后牙萌出不足也有影响。自身萌出机制紊乱的后牙开验对正畸治疗无反应。Cahill用钢丝将小狗的磨牙拴结在下颌下缘上,发现上面的骨与牙均有吸收,牙不萌出,但当去除拴结时牙萌出快于正常。对猞牙缺失后牙齿继续萌出,说明萌出停止很长时间后萌出的机制仍然存在,是由 Eruption of posterior teeth can produce posterior teeth experience. The authors discuss the possible causes and treatment of primary ecthyma. Posterior teeth eruption is mainly due to 1. Eruption mechanism and periodontal ligament structure abnormalities. 2. Eruption part of the eruption and then stop, probably due to insufficient blood supply to the local blood circulation. In addition, a mechanical interference, soft tissue pressure is greater than the eruption force, extra teeth, deciduous teeth root or alveolar bone is not absorbed and adhesions on the eruption of the posterior teeth also have an impact. Eruption mechanism dysplasia of the posterior teeth test did not respond to orthodontic treatment. Cahill wire the puppy molars tied to the lower edge of the mandible and found that the above bone and teeth are absorbed, the teeth do not erupt, but when removing the tethered teeth eruption faster than normal. Dental teeth disappeared after eruption, indicating eruption stopped a long time after the eruption of the mechanism still exists, is caused by
【摘 要】中考议论文阅读中论点题是必考题型,语文教师让学生掌握“瞻前顾后”的答题要领是非常必要的。“瞻前顾后,找准论点”就是让学生能联系文章整体,真正领悟作者阐明的 “中心论点”。让学生在文本对话中互辩互驳,汲取营养,陶冶情操。  【关键词】议论文 阅读 观其大意 瞻前顾后 中心论点    整体感知文章,体会作者的态度、观点、感情,理解文章的内容和思路;对文章的内容能提出看法和疑问。这是《中学语文
口腔白念珠菌病(oral candidosis,monillasis)对口腔科来说并不陌生,但长期以来人们对此的认识仅仅限于雪口而已。近十几年来,随着抗菌素、甾体激素、免疫抑制剂和放射治疗
PDCA循环作为管理学中的重要概念,其持续改进的思想在许多领域得到了应用。本文论述了这一理论在我院土木工程专业建设中的应用。 As an important concept in management s