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1994年10月,中泰双方签订了一份纯商贸性质的外贸供货合同,由中方在1995年内向泰方供应441辆“铁马”牌载重汽车。正是这份合同,在中国大地上引起了不小的反响,曾经不太闻名的“铁马”汽车,从此声誉远播,其市场形象连升三级。中国重型汽车行业的有心人掐指一算:“铁马”一次出口批量之大,在国内重车行业首屈一指。“铁马”产自中国兵器工业。中国兵器工业总公司的头号行政首长张俊九总经理一向关注此项外贸的进展,几乎在合同到手的同时,一道指令下达到有关企业:此次外贸的意义在于影响、在于市 In October 1994, China and Thailand signed a purely commercial foreign trade supply contract. China supplied 441 “Tiema” trucks to Thailand in 1995. It is this contract that has aroused considerable repercussions on the land of China. The once-notorious “Iron Horse” car has enjoyed a long reputation and its market image has risen to three levels. Heart of China’s heavy truck industry pinch refers to a count: “Iron Horse ” a large export volume, second to none in the domestic heavy truck industry. “Iron Horse ” produced in China Ordnance Industry. China Ordnance Industry Corporation chief executive Zhang Junjiu, chief administrative officer, has always been concerned about the progress of this foreign trade. Almost the same time, the contract reached the relevant enterprises under an order: the significance of this foreign trade is that the city
Jointly edited by the Automotive Industry Department and China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC), 《China Automotive Industry Yearbook》, a la
In theory, we study the quantum fluctuations of the subharmonic reflected field from a triple-resonant degenerate optical parametric amplifier (OPA) inside an o
For carrying out the Industrial Policy of the Motor Industry, competent authorities concerned are working intensely in the transition from mandatory standards
January,1995 unit:RMB Yuan薪Retail Prices of Automobiles and Motorcycles in Main Cities January, 1995 unit: RMB Yuan 薪资 Retail Prices of Automobiles and Moto
油田自动化课是为适应石油工业的发展开设的。要讲授好这门新课 ,必须精选教学内容 ,处理好点与面的关系 ;针对不同专业的特点 ,教学内容要有所侧重 ;要完善教学 ,尽快编写教
采访结束后的用餐时间,赵立新显得挺疲惫,也挺自得。他跟助理的对话中有两句给我留下印象,一句是:“可惜《英雄广场》没时间去看了,记得帮我买这本书。”还有一句是“还是拍电影好,对吗?拍电影可以休息。”  从《大先生》谈起  《大先生》这部戏在北京首演了四天,前后被媒体、戏迷和知识分子讨论了一个月。首演后两周,我采访“大先生”鲁迅的扮演者赵立新,问他何时开始全国巡演,他回答:“之前热情高涨,但现在变得微
AIB of MMI said recently according to the Industrial Policy of Motor Industry, those enterprises (groups) of motor vehicles, motorcycles and parts & components