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这是孟文红极为熟悉的场景,做城市拓展业务,她一年四季不是在外地城市,就是在飞往外地的途中。 城市拓展是葆婴公司的重要业务,葆婴的目标很高:未来5年中,在全中国的大中城市都要设立葆婴中心。孟文红的任务也因此很重:她是代表葆婴公司派到新城市的第一个人,能否在当地站住脚,打开局面,这个亮相很重要。 孟文红标准的一天的工作状态是这样的:早晨8点钟去赶飞机,11点在异地参加会议,中午吃完简单的工作餐,到了1点钟,继续工作,和当地分公司的管理层讨论新城市开发的策略、商讨各种问题的解决办法。晚餐后,孟文红回到宾馆房间,打开电脑,查看一下Email,回复一些工作文件,大概9、10点钟的时候结束工作。 This is a scene that Meng Wenhong is very familiar with, doing business in urban areas. She is not traveling in cities all the year round or on her way to other places. City Expansion is an important business for Baoying Company. Baoying’s goal is very high: In the next five years, the Baoying Center will be established in all medium and large cities in China. Meng Wenhong’s mission is therefore very heavy: She is the first person on behalf of the Baoying company to the new city, whether it can stand on the ground, open the situation, this appearance is very important. The standard working day of Meng Wenhong is like this: going to catch a plane at 8 o’clock in the morning, attending a meeting in different places at 11 o’clock, having a simple work meal at noon, and at 1 o’clock, continuing to work and discussing with the management of the local branch office New city development strategy to discuss solutions to various problems. After dinner, Meng Wenhong returned to the hotel room, turn on the computer, check Email, reply to some working documents, about 9,10 o’clock when the end of work.
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