国家的长治久安 ,部队的安定团结与战斗力的提高 ,都必须依靠健全的社会主义法制。为了贯彻执行军委提出的“依法治军”的战略方针 ,增强干部战士的法律意识 ,保护广大干部、战士的合法权益 ,以提高官兵学法、用法、守法的能力 ,本刊特开辟《法律顾问》专栏 ,聘请法学教授、军队律师回答广大官兵提出的各种涉法问题。本刊编辑部愿竭诚为广大读者服务 ,欢迎踊跃参与。
The long-term peace and stability of the country, the stability and unity of the armed forces and the improvement of combat effectiveness must rely on a sound socialist legal system. In order to carry out the strategic guideline of “military administration in accordance with the law” put forward by the Central Military Commission, enhance the legal awareness of cadres and fighters and protect the legitimate rights and interests of cadres and soldiers, so as to enhance the ability of officers and soldiers to learn, use and observe laws, "Column, hired law professor, military lawyer to answer the vast number of officers and soldiers put forward the issue of law-related issues. Our editorial department is willing to serve our readers, welcome to participate.