April 15, 1983 My little grandson Sun just loves to listen to stories, loves to learn the People’s Liberation Army “to fight” and loves to observe small animals ... He is extremely interested in the surroundings and he often raises many questions: “Grandma, ants are good Or bad? ”“ What is earth? ”“ Why did the leaves fall? ”“ Why did the boat not sink? ”“ Why did the weather rain? ” Today, while eating ice-cream, he looked up and asked me: “Grandma, why the ice is cold?” I asked again by his question. I feel my knowledge is too poor. From this I am reminded of: As children grow, their activities expanded, everything they perceive the surrounding will cause their curious questions. We need to correctly answer the children’s questions, which not only enrich their children’s knowledge, develop their thinking, but also develop their interest in science. Teachers and parents who shoulder the heavy responsibility of educating their children should learn more and enrich their own knowledge. Give your child a glass of water, not only have a bucket of water, but also should be long flowing water. Only in this way can teach the next generation.