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目的探讨尤瑞克林对不同结构性影像类型进展性脑梗死的CT与临床效果。方法 2007年3月-2011年6月按入院时不同结构性影像类型将进展性脑梗死分为大灶梗死、中灶梗死、小灶梗死及腔隙梗死4型,共235例,采用分层随机分组的方法将患者分为尤瑞克林组(治疗组)119例,对照组116例。两组基础用药均为疏血通6 mL+生理盐水250 mL静脉滴注,胞磷胆碱0.5 g+生理盐水250 mL静脉滴注,阿司匹林0.1 g口服,以上用药均为1次/d,连用4周。治疗组同时给予生理盐水100 mL+尤瑞克林0.15 PNAu静脉滴注,对照组同时给予生理盐水100 mL静脉滴注,1次/d,连用7~14 d,两组治疗前后均测量梗死的最大层面最大梗死灶的长度与宽度,计算并记录梗死面积;统计分析各型的临床疗效。结果①梗死面积改变:治疗前各亚型治疗组与对照组梗死面积差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后,大灶梗死组、中灶梗死组、小灶梗死组中的治疗组梗死面积均比治疗前显著缩小(P<0.01),而对照组的梗死面积较治疗前差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);腔隙梗死组中,治疗组及对照组治疗后梗死面积均无明显改变(P>0.05)。②临床疗效:各亚型进展性脑梗死,治疗组均取得优于对照组的效果;大灶梗死及中灶梗死的显著进步率分别为47.6%和66.7%,而对照组的显著进步率分别为0.0%和33.3%。结论大灶梗死组、中灶梗死组、小灶梗死组进展性脑梗死使用尤瑞克林治疗后梗死面积均比治疗前明显缩小;各亚型进展性脑梗死使用尤瑞克林后临床疗效均优于对照组,尤其是大灶梗死及中灶梗死的临床效果更加显著。 Objective To investigate the clinical and curative effect of irinacrin on progressive structural cerebral infarction with different structural imaging types. Methods From March 2007 to June 2011, progressive cerebral infarction was divided into three groups according to the different types of structural images at admission. The infarct size, central infarction, small infarction and lacunar infarction type 4 were divided into three groups randomly. Methods The patients were divided into nine groups (n = 11) and the control group (n = 116). The two groups were based on the use of Shuxuetong 6 mL + saline 250 mL intravenous infusion of citicoline 0.5 g + saline 250 mL intravenous infusion of aspirin 0.1 g, the above drugs were 1 / d, once every 4 weeks . In the treatment group, 100 mL of saline and 0.15 PNAu of urelin were intravenously instilled. In the control group, 100 mL of normal saline was given intravenously once a day for 7 to 14 days. The maximum infarct size was measured in both groups before and after treatment The length and width of the largest infarct level, calculate and record the infarct size; statistical analysis of the clinical efficacy of each type. Results ① The area of ​​infarction changed: Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the infarct size between treatment group and control group (P> 0.05). After treatment, the infarction area in infarction group, infarct group and infarct group (P <0.01), while the infarction area in the control group was not significantly different from that before treatment (P> 0.05). In the infarction group, the infarct size of the treatment group and the control group were Significantly changed (P> 0.05). ② clinical curative effect: all subtypes of progressive cerebral infarction, the treatment group were better than the control group results; large infarction and middle infarct were significantly improved rates were 47.6% and 66.7%, respectively, while the control group significantly improved rates were 0.0% and 33.3%. Conclusion The area of ​​infarction in patients with focal cerebral infarction, middle focal cerebral infarction and small infarction infarction is significantly smaller than that before treatment in patients with progressive cerebral infarction. The clinical efficacy of each subtypes of progressive cerebral infarction after irinaculin treatment is superior In the control group, especially the clinical effect of large infarction and middle infarction was more significant.
著名作家梁晓声说她对语言有天生的灵气;英国《泰晤士报》说她是一位不凡的女作家,一個令人惊奇的故事;而她自己却说,她是一个极端自由的灵魂。  1988年,严歌苓初到美国,过着忙碌而辛苦的留学生活。她每天要读14到15个小时的书,每天要打工4个小时以赚取房租,还要读背英语,起床练舞蹈功……特别是为了兑现承诺别人的稿约,她常常写到想吐。那段时间,加之在异国他乡的孤独,身边一个亲人也没有,她多次累到吃不下
目的了解卒中患者排泄需要知觉受损(impaired awareness,IA)尿失禁(urinary incontinence,UI)的临床特点。方法前瞻性连续观察225例住院急性卒中患者,评估排尿事件和排尿知觉
如果把普通的按钉放大,那么往墙上按地图等大面积的纸张就很方便。再把按钉的头部加以变形,还可以当作挂钩使用。 If you press an ordinary nail zoom, then press the wa
碰撞问题是历年各地高考的热点,此类考题同学们的得分率一般都较低,究其原因是没能够根据题目特点灵活地运用所学知识. 在碰撞过程中,由于相互作用的时间很短,若将相互碰撞的物体作为一个系统来看,外力通常远小于碰撞物体之间的内力,它们的冲量可以忽略,认为碰撞的过程中系统的动量守恒. 同时,在碰撞的过程中不可能有其它形式的能量转化为机械能,只能是系统内物体间机械能相互转化,或一部分机械能转化为内能,因此系统