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同志们: 这次企业思想政治工作会议,是党的十三届四中全会以来,省委召开的一次重要会议。荣贵同志代表省委作了重要报告,我完全赞成。这次会议,对于加强企业的思想政治工作,进一步提高认识,把思想统一到十三届四中全会和江泽民同志重要讲话精神上来,推动我省的各项工作向前发展,将产生积极的作用。下面,我就全省当前的经济形势和企业干部职工普遍关注的若干具体政策问题,讲一些意见。 Comrades: The ideological and political work conference of the enterprise is an important meeting held by the provincial party committee since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee. Comrade Rong Guiui made an important report on behalf of the provincial party committee and I totally agree with it. This meeting is of great significance to strengthening the ideological and political work of enterprises, further raising their awareness and unifying their thinking with the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech. Promoting the development of various tasks in our province will have a positive effect . Next, I will give some opinions on the current economic situation in the province and a number of specific policy issues of common concern to enterprise cadres and workers.
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