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舜玉路上的那座桥,没有名字,也很不起眼,如果不是走在人行道上,走到了桥上,发现了路边油漆斑驳的金属护栏,根本就看不出桥的模样。但是,站在护栏边往下看,感觉就不大一样了。桥很高,河道很深,深得有点儿吓人,有点儿让人眩晕。准确点儿说,那不是河而是一条顺水沟。济南这个城市南高北洼,下雨时,水从南部的山上顺坡而下,狂奔而来,天长日久便有了很多这样的沟,从南往北在这个城市里纵向排开。我上班的地方就在那座桥的附近。我不走那边,但上班下班的,很多同事却要从那儿经过。有时候我们出去办事、吃午饭,也要从那儿经过。当然,平时我们经过那座桥,经过也就经 Shun Yu Road, the bridge, no name, but also very modest, if not walking on the sidewalk, went to the bridge and found the mottled roadside paint metal fence, simply can not see the appearance of the bridge. However, standing guardrail look down, I feel not the same. High bridge, deep river, won a little scary, a bit dizzying. Accurate to point out that it is not a river but a Shun ditch. Jinan City, South High North depression, when it rains, the water from the southern slope along the slope, bolted from time to time there will be a lot of such ditches, from south to north in this city vertical row. The place where I work is near the bridge. I do not go there, but many of my colleagues go through work and work there. Sometimes we go out to work, eat lunch, but also from there. Of course, usually we pass through the bridge, passing through
美国存在三种法学学位,即J.D.(Juris Doctor)、LL.M.(Master of Laws)、J.S.D或S.J.D(Doctor of JuridicalScience),分别服务于不同需要。其中三年的J.D.项目是法律教育的主
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