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教育和谐是近年来一线教学工作者一个十分深刻的体验,和谐的教学氛围中,师生平等、关系融洽、教与学开展顺利。高等职业教育本来是一个特殊的教育教学平台,随着大众关注度的提高,社会对高职教育的期盼的提高,高职教育工作者要与时俱进,开拓创新,高职语文课堂是一方学生和谐教育的热土,营造和谐的教育氛围能促进教学的更好开展。情感与认知是有联系的,愉快时感知敏锐,记忆牢固,想象活跃;反之,消极情绪则会压抑认识活动的展开。 Educational harmony is a very profound experience experienced by front-line teaching workers in recent years. In a harmonious teaching atmosphere, teachers and students are equal, harmonious in relationship, and teaching and learning go smoothly. Higher vocational education was originally a special education and teaching platform. With the increasing public awareness and the increasing expectations of higher vocational education in society, higher vocational education workers should keep pace with the times and innovate. One of the hot spots for students’ harmonious education, to create a harmonious atmosphere of education can promote better teaching. Emotional and cognitive are linked, happy when sensitive, solid memory, imaginative; the other hand, negative emotions will depress the spread of awareness activities.
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AIM: To present a systematic review of techniques and clinical results.METHODS: A systematic review of published literature was performed. Only studies reportin
该研究通过辐射诱变五植物生物技术相结合的途径,筛选烟草抗黄瓜花叶病毒病(CMV)突变化. 研究了Coγ射线对烟草花药培养的辐射剂量效应及其与单倍体植株抗病性的关系;并运用