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1921年7月,中共“一大”在上海召开。一大代表、广州党支部的负责人陈公博在会上表现得趾高气扬,自以为是,目无组织。会议期间,遭到法国巡捕的搜查,为安全起见,决定转移到嘉兴南湖的游船上继续开会。陈公博却坚持不去,带着老婆来到杭州游山玩水。当他返回上海时,会议早已结束。事后,中共中央特派张太雷去广东,要求他立即去上海向党组织做出解释。陈公博不但断然拒绝,还给陈独秀的信中说:“今后独立行动,不受党的约束。”不久又在广州党组织会上公开宣布:“我不再履行党的任务。”甚至还扬言:“拟离党而另组广东共产党。”鉴于陈公博分裂党的严重错误言行,中共中央于1923年春决定将其开除出党。就在这一年的11月,陈公博赴美哥伦比亚大学研 In July 1921, the CCP held a big one in Shanghai. A major delegate, Chen Gongbo, head of the Guangzhou branch, performed arrogantly at the meeting, self-righteous and unorganized. During the meeting, a search conducted by a French inspector, for security reasons, decided to transfer to the cruise ship in Jiaxing South Lake to continue the meeting. Chen Gongbo but insisted, with his wife came to Hangzhou to play in the mountains. When he returned to Shanghai, the meeting was over. Afterwards, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Zhang Tailei to Guangdong to demand that he immediately go to Shanghai to explain to the party organizations. Chen Gongbo not only flatly refused, but also sent a letter to Chen Duxiu saying: “In the future, it will act independently and will not be bound by the party.” Not long afterwards, it was announced publicly at the Guangzhou Party Organization Conference: “I will no longer perform the party’s task.” He even threatened: “It is proposed to leave the party and the other group will be the Communist Party of Guangdong.” In the spring of 1923, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to expel him from the party in the light of the grave errors made by Chen Gongbo in splitting the Party. In November of this year, Chen Gongbo went to the University of Columbia to study
目的:观察新加良附颗粒配合化疗治疗晚期胃癌的临床疗效。 方法:采用前瞻性随机对照的研究方法,将42例患者随机分为两组,其中,新加良附颗粒配合化疗组21例,单纯化疗组20例
目的:观察健脾扶正汤择时用药联合FOLFOX方案时辰化疗治疗晚期胃癌对生活质量及免疫功能的影响。 方法:80例患者随机分成2组,各40例,2组均采用FOLFOX方案时辰化疗,21天为1