Ultra-thin,planar,broadband,dual-polarity plasmonic metalens

来源 :Photonics Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qichen1988
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An ultrathin,planar,broadband metalens composed of metal rectangular split-ring resonators(MRSRRs) has been designed,which shows dual-polarity characteristics for different types of circularly polarized(CP) light incidence.The designed metalens can be considered as the focusing lens and the diverging lens under left-handed CP and right-handed CP light incidence,respectively.The phase discontinuity of the cross-polarized transmission light is produced by optical-axis rotation through modulating two arms’ lengths of the MRSRR.The MRSRR metalens possesses a wavelength-controllable focal length and a relatively larger chromatic aberration compared with the conventional lenses.And the focal length changes from 9 to 7 μm with incident wavelength from 740 to 950 nm.The dual-polarity flat metalens opens a door for new applications of phase discontinuity devices,and it will promote the fabricating capability of on-chip or fiber-embedded optical devices. An ultrathin, planar, broadband metalens composed of metal rectangular split-ring resonators (MRSRRs) has been designed, which shows dual-polarity characteristics for different types of circularly polarized (CP) light incidence. The designed metalens can be considered as the focusing lens and the diverging lens under left-handed CP and right-handed CP light incidence, respectively. The phase discontinuity of the cross-polarized transmission light is produced by optical-axis rotation through modulating two arms’ lengths of the MRSRR. MRSRR metalens possesses a wavelength-controllable focal length and a relatively larger chromatic aberration compared with the conventional lenses. End of the focal length changes from 9 to 7 μm with incident wavelength from 740 to 950 nm. dual-polarity flat metalens opens a door for new applications of phase discontinuity devices, and it will promote the fabricating capability of on-chip or fiber-embedded optical devices.
河流在大地上奔流,人从河流那儿学会了流浪。河流最终在大海里永生,而人却在死亡中寂灭。  八年前,我由蜀地落户汉中,曾固执地把自己称为异乡人。我在一个叫芦家沟的地方,和一条名为冷水的河流度过了两年时光。  冷水河很瘦,瘦得只有细细一脉,不堪一握。河上没有浪花旋涡,也无舟自横,它总是那么安静,从不弄出一点儿声响来;它更像一道无名的野水,有点儿荒凉,却是清澈、快乐、自由的,并由此显出清秀和灵气来。  每
左边是园,右边是园。  是塔是桥,是寺是河,是诗是画,是石径是帆船是假山。  左边的园修复了,右边的园开放了。有客自海上来,有客自异乡来。塔更挺拔,桥更洗练,寺更幽凝,河更闹热,石径好吟诗,帆船应入画。而重重叠叠的假山,传至今天还要继续传下去的是你的匠心真情。是你的参差坎坷的魅力。  这是苏州。人间天上无双不二的蘇州。中国的苏州。  苏州已经建城二千五百年。它已经老态龙钟。无怪乎七年前初次造访的时