抓订刊抓用刊 两手都要硬——部分单位利用《中国民兵》杂志搞好刊授教育加强民兵预备役思想政治工作的经验

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由邓小平同志题写刊名的《中国民兵》杂志,是我国唯一的一份以宣传国防后备力量建设为内容的中央级工作指导类专业期刊;是中央军委和总部指导全国民兵预备役工作的重要舆论工具;是我国民兵预备役人员学习民兵工作知识、获取各类信息的重要园地。1985年,江西省清江县(1986年改称樟树市)大桥乡率先利用《中国民兵》杂志对民兵进行刊授教育,落实民兵政治教育,有效地解决了民兵政治教育人员难集中、时间难保证、效果难落实的“三难”问题。1986年,在樟树市召开的“全国民兵刊授教育现场会”向全国推广利用《中国民兵》杂志进行刊授教育以来,全国人武系统一直采用这一有效做法。中央《关于加强和改进新形势下民兵预备役政治工作的意见》明确指出,要办好民兵刊物,加强民兵思想政治教育。为搞好利用《中国民兵》杂志对民兵预备役人员进行刊授教育,总参谋部、总政治部多次下发专门文件,要求全国人武系统订好用好《中国民兵》杂志,确保民兵预备役人员的思想政治教育得到有效落实。 The magazine “Chinese Militia” inscribed by Comrade Deng Xiaoping is the only one in our country that specializes in guiding the development of the national defense reserve at the central level; it is an important media for the Central Military Commission and the headquarters to guide the preparations for the nationwide militia reserve work ; It is an important field for our militia reservists to learn the militia’s work knowledge and obtain various kinds of information. In 1985, Daqiao Township in Qingjiang County, Jiangxi Province (renamed as Zhangshu City in 1986) took the lead in using the “Chinese Militia” magazine to carry out periodical education on the militia and implement political education among the militias, which effectively solved the problem of difficulties in concentration of political educators in the militarys and difficulties in guaranteeing the results in time. Difficult to implement “three difficult ” problem. In 1986, at the “National Field Militia Press Conference” held in Zhangshu City, since the campaign of publication and education of “China’s militia” has been carried out across the country, this system has been adopted by this system. The Central Committee’s “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Political Work of Reserves for Militias in the New Situation” clearly pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in the publication of militia publications and strengthen the militia’s ideological and political education. In order to do a good job of teaching and educating militia and reservists personnel using the “Chinese militia” magazine, the General Staff Department and the General Political Department have issued special documents on many occasions and demanded that the National People’s Armed Police Force system set the magazine for the use of the “Chinese militiamen” well and ensure that reserve militiamen The ideological and political education has been effectively implemented.
袁兆鼎(1926~),山东济南人,毕业于北京师范大学,后赴苏联莫斯科大学留学,获数学科学副博士学位,回国后担任航天工业总公司第二研究院204所研究员,从事导弹研制的计算工作,在导弹研制中应用电子计算机进行数值计算,做了开创性的工作。  袁兆鼎出身于一个贫穷的小知识分子家庭,父亲读中学时,因交不起学费,只得半工半读,勉强完成中学学业,毕业后做小职员,因病早逝,母亲是一位目不识丁的家庭妇女,袁兆鼎从小