Slide on the Sled滑雪橇

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  小熊和小老虎是好朋友,他们住在森林里。冬天到了,小熊在家冬眠,小老虎来找小熊一起滑雪橇。可是小熊不会滑雪橇,而且他感觉很害怕,小老虎鼓励小熊要努力尝试。小熊最后会滑雪橇了吗?Let's read the story.
  Tiger and Bear are good friends.
  They live in a forest.
  In winter, Bear hibenates (冬眠) at home.
  Tiger wants to play with him.
  Tiger knocks at Bear ' s door.
  “Wake up, Bear, ” he cries.
  “Come out and see how wonderful the winter is ! ”
  “I will not, I am in my warm bed,” says Bear.
  “Winter is beautiful, come out and have fun, ” says Tiger.
  Tiger goes into Bear ' s home.
  He helps Bear put on his winter clothes.
  He puts a hat and a scarf on Bear' s head.
  Bear is ready for winter.
  Tiger and Bear go outside.
  They go through the snow.
  "We will ride down this hill on my sled," says Tiger.
  "Not me, I am afraid, " says Bear.
  “Do not be afraid,” says Tiger.
  “It will be a fine, fast ride.
  Bear, you sit in front.
  I sit right behind you.”
  The sled begins to move down the hill.
  “Here we go!” says Tiger.
  There is a bump (土堆).
  Tiger falls off(摔落) the sled.
  Bear rushes past(沖过) trees and rocks.
  "Tiger, I am glad that you are here," says Bear.
  Bear leaps over(跳过) a snowbank.
  "I can not steer(控制) the sled without you, Tiger," he says.
  "You are right. Winter is funl"
  A bird flies nearby.
  "Hello, Bird, look at Tiger and me," shouts Bear.
  "We can ride a sled better than anybody in the worldl"
  "But Bear, you are alone (单独的) on the sled," says Bird.
  Bear looks around.
  He finds that Tiger is not there.
  "I AM ALL ALONEI" shouts Bear.
  "Oh, I can slide on the sled now."
  Tiger comes down.
  "Bear, you are so greatl"says Tiger.
  "You can slide on the sled by yourself."
  "Thank you, " says Bear.
  "I can slide by myself now."
  The two friends play on the slide happily.
  Winter is so beautiful!
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