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从三江源地区生态保护与区域建设的双重目标出发,分析了三江源地区经济发展与产业结构的基本特征。首先,分析了三江源自然保护区发展生态产业在我国西部生态型产业发展与生态环境建设中的战略影响、在青藏高原生态型产业发展与生态环境建设中的战略影响及在青海省生态型产业发展与生态环境建设中的战略影响,阐明三江源地区发展生态型产业的重大意义;接着分析三江源地区经济社会的基本特征,发现三江源地区由于地处高原地区,气候高寒干燥,并将三江源地区经济发展水平和青海省及全国发展水平作比较,认为三江源地区的经济发展表现出脆弱独特的高寒降效特征。分析该地区经济结构,发现三江源地区经济结构表现出粗放落后的经济特性,产业结构过分单一,地区发展基本上是依靠农牧经济,由于过分的依赖畜牧业和采矿业等资源开发型产业,本地资源开发很大程度上只进行初步利用,资源的深加工和再利用程度低,各产业链单一、短小,前向产业、后向产业和侧向产业发展滞后,造成中下游产业不发育,产业发展呈现封闭性、源头性、粗放性的特征。再者,该地区发展畜牧业经济产生的效益远小于生态环境破坏所造成的生态经济效益,旅游经济发展中旅游设施和开发靠基本靠外来投资,实际上造成经济效益在地区经济贡献中流失的实际情况,经济发展表现出典型的投入漏出特性。另外,从三江源地区的人口承载统计数据发现,该地区长期处于人畜超载特性,人口超载和利益驱动加剧地区脆弱生态环境的恶化。针对当地实际情况,文章提出了三江源地区生态型产业发展的基本思路与重点。整体发展思路立足于生态地区生态保护,从保护与可持续发展的双重角度出发,针对三江源保护区的特殊性和生态-生产-生活承载力,尊重自然规律和科学发展观,分阶段、分层次(核心层、缓冲层、试验层、外未层)提出三江源自然保护区产业发展的总体定位、发展目标、保护重点与发展方向,进而提出与资源优化配置及生态环境建设相适应的生态型产业体系和产业结构培育方案,建设若干个不同类型的示范区,推进三江源自然保护区国民经济的生态化和经济社会活动的生态化。并对建设方案的实施过程进行动态监测评估,对实施效果进行滚动预警。把三江源自然保护区建设成为生态、生产、生活共同繁荣的自然保护区、国家级可持续发展实验区和国家循环经济示范区。提出产业结构调整中“三个转变”的整体思路。即引导产业结构由单一畜牧业向林牧业-加工业-旅游业的多元化生态产业结构转变,建立生态型产业体系;引导产业结构由投入楼出型向投入产出型转变,推行集约型经济增长方式;引导产业结构由生产-生活型向生态-生产-生活型转变,推进国民经济生态化。进而提出要立足生态资源优势,培育和延伸生态型产业链,选择优化现代草畜业、现代医药和生态旅游业为主的支柱产业,建立资源节约型、环境友好型和生态型产业结构体系。文章进一步深入,提出生态农林牧业、生态工业和生态旅游业的发展思路与重点;生态型城镇建设目标与重点;与生态型产业体系和生态城镇建设相适应的生态移民的重点与方向以及生态能源建设与发展方向。鉴于三江源地区面积广大,地域辽阔,保护与开发过程中首先必须选择典型地区先行试验示范,在积累示范区成果和成功经验的基础上再逐步向周围广大地区因地制宜地推广。为此,建议根据三江源自然保护区综合保护与建设方案,选择重点建设地区和适宜建设地区,立足这些重点地区的资源禀赋条件及组合状况,经济社会发展基础、宗教民俗风俗、发展潜力和前景等,有选择、有重点地规划若干个生态经济示范区、生态重建示范区、生态旅游示范区和生态型小城镇建设示范区,对这些示范区提出详细规划设计方案,指明示范区内容、示范方向、示范重点和示范技术,提出各示范区的建设规模和建设模式。立足当地优势,提出要重点建设生态林牧业(种植、养殖、水利等)、生态工业(清洁生产)、生态旅游、生态城镇和生态科研产业示范区5种类型。为保障三江源地区从保护和建设的双重角度推进三江源地区生态型产业体系建设步伐,还从政策保障、基础设施建设、项目保障、空间管制、经费支持保障、动态滚动评估与滚动监测预警等方面提出了对策建议。 Starting from the dual goals of ecological protection and regional construction in the Three Rivers, the author analyzes the basic features of economic development and industrial structure in the Three River Source Region. First of all, this paper analyzes the strategic impact of eco-industrial development in Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve in the development of eco-industrial and ecological environment in the west of China, the strategic impact of eco-industrial development and eco-environment construction in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the eco- Development and ecological environment construction, and clarify the great significance of eco-industrial development in the Three Rivers. Then analyze the basic characteristics of economy and society in the Three Rivers, find that the Three Rivers are located in the plateau, the climate is cold and dry, Comparing the level of economic development in the source region with the level of development in Qinghai Province and the whole country, it is concluded that the economic development in the Three River Source Region has shown the unique and characteristic features of the alpine reduction. After analyzing the economic structure of the region, it was found that the economic structure in the Three River Source Region showed extensive and backward economic characteristics. The industrial structure was too single and the regional development basically relied on the agriculture and animal husbandry economy. Due to over-reliance on resources-development industries such as animal husbandry and mining, The development of local resources is largely only carried out for the first time. The deep processing and reuse of resources is low. The single industrial chain, the short chain, the backward development of backward industries and backward industries lag behind, resulting in the undeveloped industries in middle and lower reaches. The industry Development of a closed, original, extensive features. Furthermore, the economic benefits of animal husbandry in the development of the region are far less than the ecological and economic benefits caused by the destruction of the ecological environment. Tourism facilities and development in the tourism economy rely on external investment, which in fact results in the loss of economic benefits in the regional economic contribution The actual situation, economic development showed a typical investment leakage characteristics. In addition, from the statistics of population bearing in the Three Rivers, it is found that the region is in a state of over-population of people and animals for a long period of time. Population overload and profit driven aggravate the fragile ecological environment. According to the actual situation in our country, the article puts forward the basic ideas and key points of the eco-industrial development in the Three River Source Region. Based on the dual perspectives of conservation and sustainable development, the overall development concept is based on the particularity of the nature reserves and ecological-production-living capacity of the Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve, respecting the laws of nature and the scientific outlook on development, Level (core layer, buffer layer, test layer, outer layer) put forward the overall orientation, development goal, protection focus and development direction of the industrial development of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve, and then put forward the ecological system that is compatible with the optimal allocation of resources and ecological environment construction Type industrial system and industrial structure training programs, the construction of a number of different types of demonstration areas, and promote the Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve ecological and economic and social activities of the ecological. And carry out dynamic monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of the construction plan and carry out rolling early warning on the implementation effect. The Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve will be built into a nature reserve that is ecological, productive and living together, a national sustainable development experimental zone and a national recycling economy demonstration zone. Put forward the overall idea of ​​“three changes” in industrial restructuring. That is to guide the industrial structure from a single animal husbandry to the forestry animal husbandry - processing industry - tourism diversification of the ecological industrial structure, the establishment of eco-industrial system; to guide the industrial structure from investment into the output-oriented investment and output-oriented economy, the implementation of intensive economic growth Way; guide the industrial structure from production - life-based to ecological - production - life-style change, promote the ecological economy. And then, we should base on the advantages of ecological resources, cultivate and extend the eco-industrial chain, choose to optimize the modern pillar industry of animal husbandry, modern medicine and ecotourism, and establish a resource-saving, environment-friendly and eco-type industrial structure system. The article further deepens, puts forward the development ideas and focuses of ecological agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, eco-industry and ecotourism; the goals and key points of eco-type urban construction; the focus and direction of eco-immigrants that are compatible with eco-industrial system and eco-urban construction and ecology Energy construction and development direction. In view of its vast area and vast territory, the Three Rivers Source Area must first select typical pilot demonstration areas in the process of protection and development. On the basis of accumulating the achievements and successful experiences in the demonstration areas, the Three Rivers Resources Area should be gradually popularized to the vast area around the country according to local conditions. Therefore, it is suggested that according to the comprehensive protection and construction plan of Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve, the key construction areas and suitable construction areas should be selected based on the resource endowment conditions and combination conditions, the basis of economic and social development, religious custom, development potential and prospects based on these key areas Etc., select and focus on planning a number of eco-economic demonstration zones, ecological reconstruction demonstration zones, ecotourism demonstration zones and eco-small town construction demonstration zones, put forward detailed planning and design plans for these demonstration zones, indicate the contents of demonstration zones, and demonstrate Direction, demonstration focus and demonstration technology, put forward the construction scale and construction model of each demonstration area. Based on the local advantages, it is proposed to focus on the construction of five types of ecological forest and animal husbandry (planting, breeding, water conservancy, etc.), ecological industry (cleaner production), ecotourism, eco-towns and eco-scientific research demonstration zones. In order to protect the construction of eco-industrial systems in the Three River Source Region from the perspective of protection and construction in the Three Rivers Region, the three rivers were also promoted from policy support, infrastructure construction, project security, space control, financial support and security, dynamic rolling assessment and rolling monitoring and early warning The countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
《广东化工》(半月刊)创刊于1974年,发行国内外刊号:CN 44–1238/TQ,ISSN 1007–1865,大16开,每月15日及30日出版。本刊被美国《化学文摘》重点收录中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库
The hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of the n-butanol extract of Rubus parvifolius L. (RPL), a widely used medicinal plant, were evaluated. Results d
美国亿万富翁、金融家索罗斯(C.Soros)(本刊以前译为绍罗什),长期以来倡导开放社会,对近年来影响全球经济的金融危机的成因和防范,他也有自己的独特看法。 为使读者能较为全