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《爱子情深,千里凭吊十八载》在庆祝建军85周年全军影展作品中独树一帜:几排褐红色石棺在绿色松柏的掩映下格外醒目,强烈的色调对比让人震撼;景深处,一位母亲掩面而泣,虽然看不见脸,但深深的悲痛和缅怀透过照片直抵人心;天空下着蒙蒙细雨,青山湿润了,大地湿润了,眼睛也湿润了……透过照片,人们不禁追问:这是一个怎样的故事,又是一位怎样伟大的母亲?时光倒回1992年5月3日,在一次国防施工中,二炮某工程团的一名战士为掩护战友而光荣牺牲。从此,每年这一天,英雄的母亲都坚持来这里祭奠爱子,18年从未间断。《火箭兵报》摄影记者张建刚听说了这个感人故事,不远千里去追寻。这显然是一次超越常规的报道。我们心中定义的全军影展金奖作品,似乎摆脱不了那种对金戈铁马、峥嵘岁月的讴歌与赞美,而这张照片恰恰是一幅庄严肃穆,甚至节奏有点“慢”、感觉有点“冷”的作品,但情之所至,感人备至,荣膺金奖既在意料之外,又在情理之中。仔细揣摩鉴赏,才顿觉静默之中蕴含着强大的情感冲击力,才能感悟拍摄者之用心和高明。能拍出这样传神之作的,不是别人,正是军事摄影家张建刚。 In the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the All-Army Film Festival works: rows of maroon sarcophagus under the shade of the green pine and cymbal particularly eye-catching contrast strong contrast shocking; depth of field, A mother covered her face and wept. Although her face could not be seen, her deep grief and memory remembered her heart and heart through the photographs. Under the sky, the rain was drizzling, the green hills were moist, the earth was wet, her eyes were moistened ... Through photos, People can not but ask: What kind of story is this and what a great mother it is? Time goes back On 3 May 1992, during a national defense construction, a warrior of a construction corps in the Second Artillery Corps was glorified in his honor to cover his comrades in arms. sacrifice. Since then, every year this day, the hero’s mother insisted to pay homage here, 18 years never stopped. “Rockets soldiers” photographer Zhang Jiangang heard this touching story, not far away to pursue. This is obviously a once-over-all story. The gold medal in the All-Army Film Festival, as defined in our hearts, does not seem to get rid of the trumpets and compliments of the golden age and the mighty years, and this picture is exactly a solemn and even rhythmic “slow” feeling a little bit “Cold ” works, but the feelings of the place, touching, won the gold award is both unexpected, but also reasonable. Carefully try to figure out appreciation, it is only felt in silence contains a strong emotional impact, in order to comprehend the photographer’s intentions and cleverness. Can make such a vivid make, not others, it is the military photographer Zhang Jiangang.
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