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广东省劳动和社会保障厅转发劳动和社会保障部办公厅关于进一步规范基本养老金社会化发放工作的通知粤劳社〔2002〕21号各地级以上市、顺德市劳动和社会保障局(社保局): 现将劳动和社会保障部办公厅《关于进一步规范基本养老金社会化发放工作的通知》(劳社厅发〔2001〕8号)转发给你们,并结合我省实际,提出如下意见,请一并贯彻执行: 一、各地劳动保障部门和社会保险经办机构要加强对基本养老金社会化发放工作的领导和管理,确保有关工作措施的落实。要认真做好与有关委托发放的银行、邮政部门的协调工作,对基本养老金社会化发放工作中遇到的新情况、新问题,要及时研究解决,确保企业离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放。二、各级社会保险经办机构要进一步完善离退休人员待遇和社会化发放的数据库,积极争取地方财政的支持,配备必要的软硬件设备,保证信息系统的资金需要,做好两个数据库的衔接,实现离退休待遇数据和社会化发放数据的同步变更、同时处理。三、各级社会保险经办机构要制定切实可行的管理办法,定期对参加基本养老保险的离退休人员领取基本养老金的资格进行核查,防止发生冒领养老金的现象。四、各地在规范企业养老金社会化发放工作的过程中,要进一步摸清农垦企业养老金发放的有关情况,按照工作要求给予指导,具备条件的,要做好养老金社会化发放工作。二○○二年二月二十日 Guangdong Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security forwarded the General Office of Labor and Social Security on further standardizing the socialization of basic pension notice Yue workers clubs (2002) 21 all levels listed above, Shunde City Labor and Social Security Bureau (Social Security Bureau ): We hereby forward to you the General Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security “Notice on Further Standardizing the Socialization of Basic Pensions” (Office of Labor and Social Services 〔2001〕 No.8) and put forward the following opinions in light of the reality of our province, Please carry it out together: First, the labor and social security departments and social insurance agencies throughout the country should step up their leadership and management over the socialization of basic pensions so as to ensure the implementation of relevant work measures. We should conscientiously do a good job in coordinating with the banks and post offices commissioned by the relevant commissions and promptly study and solve the new situations and problems encountered in the socialization of basic pensions so as to ensure that the basic pensions of retirees in enterprises will be on schedule Amount issued. 2. Social insurance agencies at all levels should further improve the treatment of retired staff and socialized databases, actively seek the support of local finance, equip with the necessary hardware and software, ensure the funding needs of information systems, and make good use of the two databases Convergence, to achieve the retirement benefits data and social data released simultaneously change, at the same time processing. Third, social insurance agencies at all levels should formulate practical management measures, and regularly check the eligibility of basic retirement pensioners who have participated in the basic old-age insurance system to prevent the occurrence of the problem of faking the pension. Fourth, throughout the process of standardizing the socialized payment of corporate pensions, we must further clarify the relevant conditions of the payment of pensions for land reclamation enterprises and give guidance in accordance with the job requirements. We should do a good job in the socialization of pensions. February 20, 2002
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