
来源 :生活教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmuppdragon
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求真求美是教育的永恒追求。但是,在市场经济背景下,不管是社会领域还是教育系统,不同程度地存在这样一种现象:有些人在观念上把美育等同于艺术教育,某些艺术教育在实践中又有着过度专业化和极端功利化倾向。这样,虽然有些学生的艺术专业和职业能力增强了,但在审美和人文素养方面趋于弱化或缺失。这与建设“美丽中国”、“美丽校园”的内涵背道而驰。在党的十八届三中全会报告里,“改进美育教学”作为我国新时期深化改革的重大问题之一写进其中,传递给我们一种信心——建设“美丽中国”、“美丽校园”必将在“改进美育教学,提高学生审美和人文素养”的一系列重大探索和实践中,不断焕发更具文明、高雅、和谐的人文魅力。而作为党的基本文献,对美育的准确定位,也为我们加强和改进美育教学指明了方向。 Seeking truth for beauty is the eternal pursuit of education. However, under the background of market economy, no matter in the field of society or the education system, there is such a phenomenon to some extent that some people conceptualize aesthetic education as art education and some art education is excessively specialized in practice. Extreme utilitarian tendencies. In this way, while some students have an increased artistic and professional competence, they tend to be weakened or lacked in aesthetic and humanistic literacy. This runs counter to the connotation of building “Beautiful China” and “Beautiful Campus”. In the report of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, “improving teaching of aesthetic education” is one of the major issues for deepening the reform in our country in the new period. It conveys us with the confidence to build “beautiful China” “Beautiful Campus ” is bound to be more civilized, elegant and harmonious humanistic charm in a series of major exploration and practice of “improving aesthetic education and improving humanistic qualities of aesthetics”. As the party’s basic documents, the accurate positioning of aesthetic education also points out the direction for us to strengthen and improve aesthetic education.
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根据儿童少年心理生理特点,结合几年的体育教学经验,我认为,进行儿童少年耐力训练时,应注意如下的几个问题。   一、注意加强思想教育   当今学生大多是独生子女,他们是家庭中的宠儿,一般均缺乏吃苦耐劳精神。而耐力训练的本身较为艰苦,需要有顽强的意志品質。因此,对儿童少年的耐力训练要经常地反复地进行思想教育,启发自觉训练的积极性,培养勇敢顽强、坚韧不拔的意志品质,培养刻苦耐劳、克服困难的精神。   二