Pilot power based rate control in CDMA 2000 1x EV-DO Rev-A

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nimadeburang
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This article proposes a new algorithm to improve the rate control efficiency of enhanced reverse link medium access control (RLMAC) in the code division multiple access (CDMA) 1x EV-DO release A (Rev. A) system. The new algorithm brings reverse access terminal (AT) pilot power to the RLMAC rate control procedure and makes it easier for a low pilot power user to increase its data rate when the system is slightly loaded and harder to decrease its date rate when the system is heavily loaded. Numerical results of system level simulations show that the new algorithm can bring higher system throughput, lower AT transmission power, and lower system load. This article proposes a new algorithm to improve the rate control efficiency of enhanced reverse link medium access control (RLMAC) in the code division multiple access (CDMA) 1x EV-DO release A (Rev. A) system. The new algorithm brings reverse access terminal (AT) pilot power to the RLMAC rate control procedure and makes it easier for a low pilot power user to increase its data rate when the system is slightly loaded and harder to decrease its date rate when the system is heavily loaded. Numerical results of system level simulations show that the new algorithm can bring higher system throughput, lower AT transmission power, and lower system load.
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