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马先生今年51岁。他大学毕业后走向社会,经过多年的奋斗,如今已经站稳了脚跟,事业有成,工作顺利,有车有房,可以说生活安定,家庭幸福。当然,在今天的社会里,完全没有工作压力是不可能的,但是,应该说老马承受的工作压力还是属于正常范围的。可是,最近两三年来,老马常常感到一种说不出的烦恼。有时觉得精神很空虚。尽管生活上什么都有了,感觉上却不如当年下乡当知青过清贫生活有意思。当年,在农村挑二百斤也不在乎,可现在坐办公室一天下来便感到累。更糟糕的是,有时会为一点儿小事向孩子发脾气,工作上有时也会与同事争执不休,在家里似乎与妻子无话可说。更让老马感到沮丧的是,自己的性欲明显降低,与妻子过性生活时,不是不能勃起就是不能持久。 Mr. Ma is 51 years old this year. After graduating from college, he came to the community. After many years of struggle, he has now gained a firm foothold, a successful career, a smooth job, a car and a room, a stable life and a happy family. Of course, in today’s society, there is absolutely no pressure on work to be impossible. However, it should be said that the work pressure on the horse still falls within the normal range. However, the past two or three years, the old horse often feel an unspeakable trouble. Sometimes I feel the spirit is empty. Although there is nothing in life, I feel as though I was not as interesting when going to the countryside when I was young. That year, in the countryside to pick two hundred pounds do not care, can now sit in the office one day feel tired. What is even worse is that sometimes children are teased for a little trifle, and their work sometimes disputes with their colleagues. There seems to be no words at home with their wives. More let the horse is frustrated is that their sexual desire was significantly reduced, and his wife had sex, either can not be erected can not be sustained.
作者于1979年和1880年用 GA4+7、BA,AVG 和普洛马林(GA4+7+BA)等乙烯合成抑制剂,或乙烯作用抑制剂,在苹果(Malus domestica Bo-rkn)、樱桃(Prunus Cerasus L.)和李(P.domest
苏绣作为我国的四大名绣之一,以针法精细、色彩雅致而著称。苏绣图案秀丽题材广泛,技法活泼灵动,无论人物还是山水,无不体现江南水乡那细腻绵长的文化内涵。 As one of the