
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adupt
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今年本省农业生产,夏季获得了丰收,秋季亦较往年为好。为给一九五五年农业增产打好基础,各地必须积极地开展以互助合作为中心的冬季生产运动,特作如下指示:一、加强现有一千九百七十个农业生产合作社的领导,争取在今冬明春结合生产进行一次整顿。秋收结束后,应认真帮助做好秋收分配工作。极据具体情况,确定土地、劳力报酬的适当比例与公积金、公益余的多少,使社员与社员、个人与集体利益恰如共分,从而巩固内部合作,推动生产,为明年农业社的发展,打好前进阵地。同时还应通过座谈、研究、分析总结一年来农业社的增产与经营管理,作为指导与改进来年工作的主要依据。有计划地进行农业社会计员、技术员的训练,培养农业社的骨干。对现有互助组应在缎续宣传总路线与互助合作政策的基础上,普遍进行摸 This year, our province’s agricultural production has achieved a bumper harvest in summer and better autumn than in previous years. In order to lay a solid foundation for 1955 agricultural production increase, all localities must take an active part in the winter production movement centered on mutual aid and cooperation and make special instructions as follows: First, to step up the leadership of the existing 1,970 agricultural cooperatives , Strive for a consolidation of production this winter and next spring. After the end of the autumn harvest, we should conscientiously help make the distribution of income in autumn. According to the specific circumstances, determining the appropriate ratio of land and labor remuneration to the amount of provident fund and public welfare allow for sharing memberships with members, individuals and collective interests so as to consolidate internal cooperation and promote production so as to lay a solid foundation for the development of agriculture cooperatives next year. Good forward position. At the same time, we should also study, analyze and summarize the agricultural production increase and operation and management over the past year as the main basis for guiding and improving the work in the coming year. We will train agricultural social workers and technicians in a planned way and train the backbone of agricultural society. The existing mutual aid groups should conduct a general inspection on the basis of the general line of propaganda and cooperation and cooperation policies on satin
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