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分数应用题和整数应用题是不同类型的应用题,分数是在整数的基础上产生的。那么,分数应用题与整数应用题是否存在着联系呢?下面把整数倍数三类应用题和分数(百分数)三类应用题列成表格。通过对右表进行对照比较发现:整数倍数应用题突出的是“倍数”,分数(百分数)应用题突出的是“分数”。如果把整数倍数三类应用题中的“倍数”分别换成“分数”,便分别变成分数(百分数)的三类应用题,其它的条件和问题则完全相同。由此可见,分数(百分数)应用题与整数倍数应用题存在着内在的、本质的联系,可以认为.分数(百分数)三类应用题是分别由整数倍数三类应用题扩展延伸而来的。 Fractional application questions and integer application questions are different types of application questions, scores are generated on the basis of integers. Then, the fractional application questions and integer application questions whether there is a relationship? Here are the integer multiples of the three types of application questions and scores (percentage) three application questions into a table. By comparing the right table comparison found: Integer multiple application questions highlight the “multiple”, the score (percentage) application questions highlight the “score.” If the “multiples” of the three types of application multiples are replaced by “scores,” they become the three types of application questions respectively with scores (percentages), and the other conditions and problems are exactly the same. Thus, there is an inherent and essential relationship between the fraction (%) application questions and the integer multiple application questions, and it can be considered that the fraction (%) three kinds of application questions are extended by three types of application questions respectively by integer multiples .
作者治疗208例各型结核性腹膜炎,患者年龄自14至50岁,其中大半为21~30岁,女性佔多数。208例中,95例给以维生素 D_2,113例单用抗菌剂。在用维生素 D_2治疗的患者中,38例系有腹
一、课堂趣遇二项式展开一挥间二项式定理复习课,老师提问.例1如何将二项式(a+b)6展开?小π抢答:展开后共有6+1=7项.小e续答:7项都是6次齐次式,a的指数从6降到 First, class
芜湖县公安局交警大队全体干 警继迎战2000年春运道路交通安全 工作顺利结束,并圆满地完成上级交 给的各项工作任务后,适时引导全体 民警积极投入“三项教育”活动,用“三 项教育”
根据重庆市政府发布的“对服务行业人员及招工人员进行性病检查的通知”,从1990年开始对从业人员进行淋球菌的带菌检查。现将检查结果总结如下: According to the “Notice to
一、“烟花三月下扬州”一句中,“烟花”是什么意思?“烟花”与“三月”连用,又应如何理解? 《现代汉语词典》中,“烟花”是指春天艳丽的景物。阳春三月,空气湿度大,经阳光