创新理论催生 别样国防情怀——记“党管武装好书记”、南京市建邺区区委书记李强

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有着18年军旅生涯的江苏省南京市建邺区区委书记李强,大到军事斗争准备,小到一名专武干部配备,始终坚持用“三个代表”重要思想谋发展求创新,努力实现国防建设与经济建设协调发展。他先后被南京军区和省委、省军区表彰为“党管武装好书记”,所在区人武部先后被省军区评为“先进团级党委”、“基层建设达标先进单位”。“军事斗争准备不见成果不撒手”“军事斗争准备不见成果不撒手”,这是李强坚持的一条党管武装准则。透过当今世界几场局部战争的硝烟,李强敏感地意识到,新军事变革既是机遇也是一轮新挑战,他提出,不仅民兵专业结构要适应变革进行优化,分布也要更合理。于是,该区大胆创新编兵模式,坚持向“科技含量高、专业对口性强”的部门、行业拓展和延伸,使民兵、预备役人员中退伍军人比例达到80%,专业技术人员对口率达到90%,人员参训率达到了100%。如今,由导弹、高炮、防化、通信等专业组成的24个民兵连相继诞生,一批高学历人才进入民兵方阵。 With an 18-year military career, Li Qiang, secretary of the Jianye District Party Committee in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, went from military preparations for military preparations to the deployment of a dedicated military cadre. He always adhered to the principle of “three represents,” sought development for innovation, and worked hard to achieve national defense. The coordinated development of construction and economic construction. He was successively honored by the Nanjing Military Region, the provincial party committee and the provincial military region as the secretary of the party in charge of armed affairs. The district armed forces department was successively appraised as the “advanced group-level party committee” by the provincial military region and the “advanced unit for grass-roots construction”. “Failure to Prepare for the Struggle for Military Preparations” and “Failure to Prepare for a Fighting Military Campaign”, a party-controlled armed code that Li Qiang adheres to. Li Qiang was sensitively aware of the new military changes as both opportunities and new challenges. He pointed out that not only should the militia’s professional structure be adapted to change, but also to be more rational in distribution. Therefore, the district bravely innovated the model of military formations and insisted on expanding and extending to sectors and industries with “high technology content and strong professional counterparts” so that the proportion of veterans among militia and reserve personnel reached 80% and the ratio of professional and technical personnel reached 90 %, Staff training rate reached 100%. Today, 24 militiamen, including missiles, artillery, anti-chemical and communications specialties, were successively established and a batch of highly educated personnel entered the phalanx of the militia.
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