
来源 :河南科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koptity
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【正】 河南省鲁山县鲁阳镇五街的农民窦继志,在黄背木耳棚里种植出了稀有的袋栽猴头,成为平顶山市人工种植猴头成功的第一人。 窦继志种植猴头纯属偶然。1999年7月的一天,他回老家时,与几个村民一起上山摘核桃。在一棵直径约30厘米的核桃树上,一只“毛猴的头”在树杈间时隐时现。待爬上村后,老发现原来是一棵野
【正】 河南省滑县高平镇后谢村260户农民,在当地农村信用社的支持下,巧用庭院。户户加工摩托车坐垫,年加工量500万个,产品畅销全国各地。被十里八乡的群众称为“摩托车坐垫
The patient was an asymptomatic 43-year-old woman. Abdominal ultrasonography and enhanced computed tomography showed a tumor lesion accompanied by multiple cyst
AIM:To investigate the efficacy and safety of gemcitabine(Gem)-based combination chemotherapies for the treatment of advanced biliary tract cancer.METHODS:Clini
AIM:To examine whether the administration of atorvastatin and rosuvastatin would prevent experimentallyinduced hepatic cirrhosis in rats.METHODS:Liver cirrhosis
AIM:To select appropriate patients before surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),especially those with advanced tumors.METHODS:From January 2000 t
【正】 百合亦称百合蒜、夜合等,为百合科植物百合的鳞茎。百合营养丰富且具有多种保健作用。据分析,每百克百合中,含蛋白质4.0克,脂肪0.1克,糖28.7克,灰分1.1克,此外,百合还
AIM: To evaluate the clinical utility of hepatic clearance(HC) measured with technetium-99m-diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid-galactosyl human serum albumin(9
【正】 每日清晨,一声声高亢嘹亮的“换豆腐啊—”的女高音的吆喝,在吴桥村周围三里五村回荡,人们把这悦耳动听的叫卖声,亲切的称为顾运华的一支致富曲 今年40多岁的顾运华,
Leiomyoma is the most common benign mesenchymal tumor of the esophagus.A small leiomyoma covered with endoscopically normal mucosa has a characteristic endoscop