截止到2006年1月12日,英国男孩Alex Tew已经挣到了99.9万美元,而赚钱的工具只是一个再简单不过的网页。21岁的Alex Tew为了筹集大学学费,突发奇想,搞出了“出售格子”的主意,他把自己网页上的像素进行出售,一个像素一美元,而买家一次至少要购买一个10*10像素组成的格子,这样的格子在他的主页上一共有100 个,买家可以通过在购买的格子上打出的广告链接来增加自己网站的点击流量。于是,世界上第一个“Million Dollar Homepage”就这样诞生了。中国第一个跟风的“百万主页”,收入也超过了30万人民币。获取100万的收入真的可以这样容易?是不是人人都可以成为百万富翁?下面请大家和本期的嘉宾们一起探讨这个话题。
As of January 12, 2006, British boy Alex Tew has earned $ 999,000 while making money is just a simpler page. Alex Tew, 21, came up with the idea of “selling grids” in order to raise college tuition fees, sell the pixels in his homepage for one pixel at a time, and buy at least one 10 * 10 A grid of pixels, with a grid of 100 on his home page, buyers can increase their site’s click traffic with advertising links on purchased squares. Thus, the world’s first “Million Dollar Homepage” was born. China’s first follow-up to the “million home page”, the income also exceeded 300,000 yuan. Is it really easy to get a million dollars in revenue? Can not everyone become a millionaire? Now, please discuss the topic with our guests this issue.