从《行政许可法》的实施看 政府服务转型五大变化

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行政许可法将于今年7月1日正式实施,这是在规范政府行为、转变政府职能过程中的一部重要法律。我国政府想要从一个职能型政府转向服务型政府,需要各方面的努力,其中包括观念、流程、体制的变化等,而法律更是一个必需的保障。从行政许可法的实施可以看到,政府权力规范、政务信息公开、民主行政、诚信要求以及依法保障服务将逐渐融入到向服务型政府转变的过程中。首先,此次法律的出台对政府权力有了一定的规范。以往谈到政府的权力和管辖范围,人们总认为“无论大小,全部统管”,在法律上也没有规定过政府职能的管理细节。而《行政许可法》不仅规定了哪些事项规定可以设定行政许可,而且还规定了四类事项可以不设行政许可。这不仅给公民、法人等一个充分发挥自身作用的空间,而且对政府管辖的内容给予了一定划分:政府不再是无限统管了。其次,政务信息公开被赋予了更高的要求。在电子政务建设中,政务信息公开是第一项内容,各地也都出 The Administrative Licensing Law will be officially implemented on July 1 this year. This is an important law in regulating government behavior and transforming government functions. Our government wants to shift from a functional government to a service-oriented government. It requires all efforts, including concepts, processes and institutional changes, and the law is a necessary guarantee. From the implementation of the Administrative Permission Law, we can see that the government's power norms, open government information, democratic administration, integrity requirements and law-based protection services will gradually be integrated into the process of transforming into a service-oriented government. First of all, the promulgation of this law has a certain standard of government power. In the past, when it came to the power and jurisdiction of the government, people always considered it as “unmanaged and unmanaged” and they did not legally provide any details on the management of government functions. However, the “Administrative Permission Law” not only stipulates what matters require the setting of administrative licenses, but also stipulates that there are four types of matters that may be exempted from administrative permission. This not only gives the citizens and legal persons a space that gives full play to their own role but also gives a certain division of the contents of government jurisdiction: the government is no longer in charge of unlimited control. Second, the government information disclosure has been given higher requirements. In the construction of e-government, government information disclosure is the first content, all over the country
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