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  The year 2018 marked the lOth anmversaryof Denmark-China comprehensive strategicpartnership. Over the decade, the two countries haveen2aged in extensive cooperation in 58 fields: health,food and agriculture, intellectual property and marketsupervision, culture,tourism, maritime affairs,politics andlaw, and urban development to name but a few. Chinahas become the largest trading partner of Denmark inAsia as well as its second larest trading partner globally,only next to the EU.The year 2018 witnessed a surgeof Chinese investment in Denmark to USD l.1 billion,based on USD 290 million in 2017. On top of trade andeconomic cooperation,China and Denmark have alsomaintained close bonds in culture and people-to-peopleexchanges. Durng the China-Denmark ToUrism Year2017,the Danish Tourist Board rolled out a series ofin-depth tour products with varied themes, such as“FairyTales in Denmark”, “Food in Denmark”, and “Designin Denmark”, seeking to meet Chinese tourists' needs inexploring the natural scenay and rich culture Denmarkhas to offer.   To sustain Denmark's strong tradition in fairy tales,the lst Hans Christian Andersen Drawing Event withthe theme "A Dialog between Andersen's Fairy Talesand Tianfu Culture", was held in Chengdu, SichuanProvince on December l, 2018. Andersen's fairy taleslike The Daughter of the Sea,The Little Match Girl,and The Emperor’s New Clothes, all touch a deepchord in the hearts of generations of Chinese children.During the event, Mr. Lars Lund Rasmussen, ConsulGeneral of the Consulate General of the ConsulateGeneral of Denmark in Chongqing, shared his viewson China-Denmark trade and economic cooperation,and cultural exchanges.
  "I am quite confident in the developmentpotential of southwestern China"
  In 2018, a Danish business delegation came toSichuan and visited Chengdu Shuangliu IntemationalAirport, China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone.and other areas, where they were impressed by therapid growth and bright prospect of the southwestemprovince. The delegation members said that Denmarkis willing to intensify the communication and cooperation with Sichuan in business, energy, lifescience, food security, health, culture, and other fields;and hoped the two sides would enable closer inter-enterprise exchanges and extend their cooperationin international friendship city, infrastructureconstruction, green energy, food safety, and othersectors, particularly, they would seize the cooperationopportunities brought along by the Chengdu-Copenhagen direct flight opened in late 2018.
  "I am quite confident in the development potentialof southwestem China, and excited about the ever-growing investment opportunities in Yunnan Guizhou,Sichuan, and Chongqing. We plan to bring moreDanish enterprises to invest here by hosting investmentpromotions and business negotiations," Mr Rasmussentold our reporter. Sichuan has now entered cooperationwith Denmark in infrastructure construction educationand other fields. Horsens Kindergarten and HorsensPrimary School, co-funded by China and Denmark,opened in October 2018, existing as a shining exampleof bilateral education cooperation. A host of Danishenterprises, such as Maersk, Carlsberg, LEGO,PANDORA, and Ecco, have invested in Sichuan.Having lived in China for 11 years, Mr. Rasmussenhas an intimate knowledge of the country. Sincehe took office as Consul General of the ConsulateGeneral of Denmark in Chongqing two years ago,he has been hamessing his strength to help Danishbusiness community get closer to China especially thesouthwestem region, and offer them valuable advices intheir investment decision-making.   "Hopefully, our active efforts will enable moreDenmark-China cooperation proj ects," Mr. Rasmussensaid, noting that, since he chose to live in China afterthe 2008 financial crisis, he has witnessed how Chinahas emerged from the economic meltdown and gearedonto a track of high quality, fast growth. He praised,"China is embracing the world with a more open,inclusive posture. It is a land with better infrastructure,smoother roads, boosted tourism industry and ever-improved people's livelihood, the very hallmarks foran advanced, open, and globalized country."
  "Culture-oriented China-Denmark cooperationunder the framework of the Belt and Road Inihative"
  Denmark is a founding member of the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Duringthe first Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation, Danish Prime Minister Lars LokkeRasmussen said that. Denmark is glad to be part ofthe Belt and Road Initiative in various aspects, andis willing to work with China in tapping into theircooperation potential in medical care, food, education,culture, tourism, football, and other fields, in a way tofurther advance Denmark-China business cooperationand cultural exchanges to a new high.
  When it comes to cooperation and exchanges,Consul General Rasmussen said: "The initiativeis all-embracing as it covers cooperation in trade,infrastructure construction, education, culture, andother sectors." "While the initiative enables us to beopen to each other's culture, cultural exchanges heraldfurther progress of the initiative and closer culturalbonds bring more advantages and opportunities forour bilateral business cooperation," he added.
  Denmark is known as "the Kingdom of FairyTales". During the Hans Christian Andersen DrawingEvent, kids in Chengdu showed their drawing worksblending characters in Andersen's fairy tales with pandahotpot, and other elements of Tianfu culture, using theirwild imagination to tell old fairy tales in a new way.
  Back to the 19th century, Andersen wrote aChina-themed story The Nightingale, which can beseen as an attempt to boost China-Denmark culturalexchange through fairy tales. "There is always aprofound truth behind each ofAndersen's fairy tales,"Mr. Rasmussen said with a smile, "Taking my favorite'The Ugly Duckling' as an example, the story tells usthat one should not judge others by appearance buttreat everyone as equals."
  Tourism, another key driver fueling culturalexchanges, has been also featuring prominently inbilateral ties. The Chengdu-Copenhagen direct flight,opened in late 2018, has been facilitating closerfriendship and better communication between the twopeoples. Mr. Rasmussen said, "I hope to see moreChinese people choose Denmark as one of their touristdestinations, and more Danish people come to Sichuanto experience local customs and culture."
县城的主街道就两条,被人们习惯地称为前街和后街。城市改造步伐的加快,原本寂寞冷清的后街也盖起了一幢幢整齐的楼房,人行道都是由红绿相间的彩砖铺砌而成,沿路种植了白蜡、垂榆等风景树,一律被整齐划一地修剪成了圆冠状。  可就在后街上,和我每天上班的办公楼隔一条公路的地方,却唯独留下来了一棵气势庞大的老榆树,孤独而又骄傲地站在那里。它的根生长在离人行道的彩砖不足一米的地方,也许就是因为这一米的距离,也许就
《细节的力量:新中国的伟大实践》  作者:李颖  出版社:学林出版社  全书包括开国大典、抗美援朝、重返联合国、中国入世、北京奥运、“一带一路”等40余篇章,以宏大视野全景呈现新中国70年波澜壮阔的伟大实践,揭示中国共产党带领人民从“站起来”“富起来”到“强起来”的成功密码。  《重塑往昔:艺术考古的观念与方法》  作者:练春海  出版社:社会科学文献出版社  艺术考古研究以古物为原料,以当下为契
摘要:在当前经济运行的背景下,超大规模市场优势已成为我国新的比较优势。其具有的巨大经济功能和战略意义,是升级我国经济全球化的重要依托。利用好大规模市场的比较优势,我国将积极发展创新经济并尽快建成创新驱动型国家。本文旨在从制度创新促进超大规模市场优势形成的角度提出建议。  关键词:超大规模市场;比较优势;制度创新  2019年11月5日,第二届中国国际进口博览会在上海举行,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并
和月亮睡在一起,两个月亮  有风从岸边吹来  两次晃动,声音传来,眼睛跌入的涟漪  我已两次打撈镜中自己,帷幔和柳条  串联我嗓音中  奔放而来的那挂上枝头的心跳,洪流奔放  而这山,世界多么宁静——太白兄  而那么多星星  而每颗被放逐的光明总要挣扎在温暖的夜色  而虫鸣就在这里聒噪  太白兄,他们低沉这么久,在说些什么  一朵花的绽放  一个春天走进一个冬天的摇曳歌声里,  是谁的  微笑或孤
摘要:近期,四川省发改委组织调研组赴江苏省南京市开展科技体制创新改革专题调研。江苏省通过政策“组合拳”,建设新型研发机构,培育园区和企业载体以及科技体制改革和新型平台载体建设等举措在推进科技体制创新改革方面取得实效。四川和江苏都是科教大省,学习江苏省的举措经验对四川省科技体制创新改革具有重要借鉴意义。  关键词:科技;体制创新;成果转化  一、主要做法  近年来,江苏省以建设“创新型省份”、南京市
一切都在悄悄地变化着。  当年何等厉害的雪豹里拉吉今天已经衰老。比对人的年龄,它大概是五十好几的样子。如果是人,这个时候年富力强,经验丰富,还可以做许多大事。可是对于雪豹来说,便差强人意了。  它的状态明显处于颓势了。  有两只年轻的雪豹,对它领地垂涎三尺,曾经来過两次,被它狰狞的驱赶吓走了。可是,今天,它们又来了。  两只都年轻,都健壮,一只脸上有一条伤疤,一只脑顶上长一疙瘩。它们走来,站在离里
在过去70年时间里,中国数亿人口脱贫,成为了经济可持续发展的最佳榜样。在“一带一路”框架下,中国已经在马尔代夫开发了非常重要的基础设施建设项目,如马尔代夫的马累国际机场扩建项目、道路的修建以及港口项目等。  索马里驻华大使阿瓦莱·阿里·库拉内:  多年来,中国在制造技术和科技方面进行了大量的投入。如今,中國正与“一带一路”共建国家分享这些经验和成果。“一带一路”倡议将为当代人民和子孙后代的生活带来
2017年5月14日“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上,国家主席习近平提到了“贸易畅通不断提升”,其中一组贸易数据吸引了全世界的目光:2014年至2016年,中国同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易总额超过3万亿美元。中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资累计超过500亿美元。中国企业已经在20多个国家建设56个经贸合作区,为有关国家创造近11亿美元税收和18万个就业岗位。  “一带一路”倡议从提出到落地,不到4
森林里有几个小伙伴,经常在一起玩耍,有啄木鸟慧慧、红疣猴探探和哈比鹰翔翔,另外还有一只很邋遢的小野猪嘟嘟。  嘟嘟不爱洗澡,还喜欢在泥里打滚,每次都和小伙伴们在清晨或者黄昏时一起玩耍,觅食,野猪嘟嘟虽然不爱干净,却是个热心肠,喜欢给小伙伴们帮忙,谁遇到困难他都会第一时间出现。  这天,森林里阳光明媚。一大早,晨光暖暖地照在哈比鹰翔翔的窝里,它展开双翅,在空中盘旋,看到探探已经在树上伸着懒腰,慧慧早