Smart Rewiring:Improving Network Robustness Faster

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongminghe
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Previous work puts forward a random edge rewiring method which is capable of improving the network robustness noticeably,while it lacks further discussions about how to improve the robustness faster.In this study,the detailed analysis of the structures of improved networks show that regenerating the edges between high-degree nodes can enhance the robustness against a targeted attack.Therefore,we propose a novel rewiring strategy based on regenerating more edges between high-degree nodes,called smart rewiring,which could speed up the increase of the robustness index effectively.The smart rewiring method also explains why positive degree-degree correlation could enhance network robustness. Previous work puts forward a random edge rewiring method which is capable of improving the network robustness noticeably, while it lacks further discussions about how to improve the robustness faster. In this study, the detailed analysis of the structures of improved networks show that regenerating the edges between high-degree nodes can enhance the robustness against a targeted attack. ago ago, we propose a novel rewiring strategy based on regenerating more edges between high-degree nodes, called smart rewiring, which could speed up the increase of the robustness index effectively.The. smart rewiring method also explains why positive degree-degree correlation could enhance network robustness.
天在变,地在变,万事万物都在变,我也在变。  幼年,我几乎还不懂事。什么事,我都以我还小为借口,不管不做。当我抢着第一个坐在车位上时,当我抢着第一个拿走电视遥控器时,我只是满脸胜利地喜悦,只是看到妈妈摇着头。那时,我已经什么都忘了。  我忘了,在握捉我第一次看见的蝴蝶时,妈妈教我说蝴蝶两字,与我一起捉蝴蝶而汗流浃背的情景;我忘了,在我第一次走进校园时,妈妈对我唠叨嘱咐的话语;我忘了,在我哇哇大哭时
Logistics Hong Kong日期:2004年5月18日至5月20日网址:www.logistics——hk..com第二十届国际电脑展览会日期:2004年5月20日至5月23日网址
多少年来,在我生活和工作的小环境里,有许多人读说我会说话。其实我主要是注意如下几方面: ——以诚相见。对任何人包括不同性别、年龄、职业、民族等的谈话对象都应当诚心
2 0 0 2年 4月 2 4日《林业经济问题》 1 981年开始试刊 ,1 982年正式出版 ,由福建省林业经济学会、福建林学院主办。 1 984年改为国内外公开发行。 1 989年改为由中国林业经