The impact of design on behavior

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   Abstract:: With the rapid development of society, it is the desire for material and the ability to rapidly transform the improvement of people's material demands for increasing people's appreciation also greatly improved. At this point, the design which is particularly important because the design is based on people's demands and needs of a certain design principles for the purpose under the guidance of, and design visual communication design is a very important part of the field, so with contact person is very close.
   Key words: Visual;Communication;Design;civilized behavior
   Visual, meaning the human visual organ - the eye can see things that can demonstrate the specific nature of symbols, such as art, painting, television, movies, buildings, various types of design, text, and so are we all the eye can see, they all belong to the visual symbols. These visual symbols for people affected most directly, as long as the clear meaning of the expression, it would be easy to be understood, so as to achieve the purpose of impact. Which visual communication and human contact is self-evident, so we can contact to make this visual communication design can affect people, its more civilized, good guidance on the direction to reduce the effect often see in our lives uncivilized behavior.
   Communication, the so-called "communication" refers to the message sender to the recipient of the use of symbols to transmit information in the process, it can be communicated within the individual; it may be communicated between individuals, as among all creatures, man and nature, man and the environment and the human body to convey such information. It includes the whose, the what, to whom the communication, effectiveness, impact on how these four programs. Contact is to be certain that the message of the process of visual communication design can impact on human behavior, and guide, contact.
   Visual communication design is to some purpose, theme guided by visual art form to convey certain information to be conveyed symbolic objects, and the object being to convey a certain impact on the process. The use of visual communication is between people "see" in the form of exchanges carried out, through the visual language to express the mode of transmission. He broke due to different geographical, language, race, age, gender, and other objective reasons of constraints, through the medium of language and visual symbols to convey information, emotional communication, cultural exchanges, visual observation and experience can cross each other all kinds of unreasonable obstacles, can eliminate the barrier of different characters, with the "map" - images, graphics, designs, drawings, etc. to obtain a consensus understanding of the visual and interactive. This definition can be seen through the visual communication design is the object being to convey the impact of certain role. We usually common packaging design, logo design, typography, book design, etc., are all areas of visual communication. We hope that these effects are to act on around us and even the country's citizens to improve their literacy, less uncivilized behavior.
   That so-called uncivilized behavior, what is it? Uncivilized behavior, is that people in large part for the lack of ideas in the public caused by a number of uncivilized behavior and actions. Many people think this is a small problem, not worthy of an exaggeration. Some believe that public spaces are "public" site, no one accused, and there is no oversight and public pressure, to form a secure, herd unconscious state. However, when all kinds of uncivilized behavior to be "assembled" it looks to be amplified is the city's stain, or even rise to the quality issue. This is a major problem can not be ignored, the following simple common uncivilized usually cite some examples, I believe everyone is familiar with.
   The reason why there are so many of the uncivilized phenomenon, in fact, only illustrates the problem that low educational attainments of citizens. Therefore, the need for people concerned about this issue the relevant departments to make improvements. My personal strength that can only be learned inmy professional range of visual communication to do their part. Therefore, this article provides for advocacy.
   Duan Qiao Bao, chief editor of Japan, said he once went to a Japanese island tour, see the hotel have prompted the Chinese brand to draw attention to hygiene. Why do not Japanese nor English, does it show that this is only for the Chinese people. After I saw a very angry, but more of a frustration, but this really is a very real problem. Visible uncivilized behavior to a certain extent what will cause serious consequences, think about why there is such a problem, or because the final analysis, our national literacy is not enough, but the quality has not improved one or two days short of all the people up to the . Therefore, we as a designer is concerned can only do more good design work, to influence them, to urge them, in order to be able to play a certain influence. Seeking to develop education in the country, to raise the quality of this process before play a role in the transition, making during this period can reduce the incidence of uncivilized behavior, a little to improve our living environment. And even international influence, reputation.
   Spitting image of uncivilized behavior, or to affect China's public diplomacy efforts in vain, the National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation countries, vice president Zhu Yinghuang that this strong relationship with the media. "From the communication point of view, the process of shaping the country's image is a description of how the media, transmission and interpretation of the process. Unfortunately, China's international image is largely shaped by the Western media in the international public opinion the ability to create and influence on a stronger West are hard to change the basic situation, which also shows that we improve the impact of visual communication design for the importance of national literacy.
   Of course, visual communication, communication plays a very important role in how effective we have to be conveyed and communicated quickly and accurately. This requires the help of the media. Modern society, the media can be described as the rapid development of our well-known television, multimedia, magazines, Internet, etc. very much. As long as we in the right place, right time, the right to choose the right people in the media coverage is very broad; affecting almost the effect will be to achieve the desired results. In addition to the media is very important, the design is also very important. First, the design theme to clear, so that people can see and understand, be able to understand the meaning, or else is waste. Only understand this before it could cause some resonance, it may be able to have some effect. Moreover, with the rapid development of society, people's spiritual level has been very greatly improved, the design is not able to see to understand, and understand the meaning of the can, and we need to do a creative, attractive, be able to attract people's attention, to be able to influence the role.
   I remember growing up in a TV ad, a child saw her mother as her grandmother's feet, after holding a pot of foot-washing water, to the hard work day to go home to her mother before her mother called the feet of advertising. When the influence is no small matter, he told the children of our time, to know how to obey, you know Thanksgiving. After reading this ad has a lot of kids are learning to do in the evening to the family to play foot-washing water. This is good advertising, he taught us to learn virtue, influenced a generation. Of course, we have to do is such a creative design. The good people to be able to influence the work.
   Of course, there are many adverse effects, many school children are rebellious, tend to violence, often broadcast news a few girls together to play a girl, next to the boys applauded, but not to stop it. Or the impact of violence mostly audio and video products, coupled with the age of life, world outlook and so is not fully characterized, affected a greater chance, so more proper guidance, it is necessary to us to do more influential good works to influence them, we want to Young pros and cons of harm.
   Hope Caspian article can cause some social impact, in order to improve our citizens' sense of civilization, through the design change the bad habits of our citizens to become truly civilized country. Meanwhile, the urban citizens of the uncivilized behavior of the deterioration of the environment has an inescapable responsibility, and good visual communication design in a way bound by the enlightenment and the behavior of urban citizens,
   Hope Caspian article can cause some social impact, in order to improve our citizens' sense of civilization, through the design change the bad habits of our citizens to become truly civilized country. Meanwhile, the urban citizens of the uncivilized behavior of the deterioration of the environment has an inescapable responsibility, and good visual communication design and constraints of enlightenment in a way the behavior of citizens of the city, raising the city's civic sense of civilization on Earth protection of the environment and play a meaningful role.
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