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一、中学数学教学方法必须改革 传统的教学方法固然有不少可取之处,但是不能不看到它具有明显的局限性。有不少弊病。例如:它过分强调教的一面,而比较忽视学的一面;过分强调接受前人经验和积累知识,而比较忽视发展学生的智力、能力和创造性;过分强调整齐划一,而比较忽视因材施教和学生的个性特点。在数学教学上还表现为:过分强调“题”,而比较忽视基础理论的教学,甚至有的搞 First, the teaching method of middle school mathematics must be reformed Although traditional teaching methods have many merits, but we must not see it has obvious limitations. There are many drawbacks. For example: it overemphasizes the teaching side, and ignoring the academic side; overemphasizing the experience of previous generations and accumulating knowledge, and ignoring the development of students’ intelligence, ability and creativity; overly adjusting and harmonizing, and ignoring the ability to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Personality characteristics. In mathematics teaching, it is also manifested as: Overemphasis on “problems”, while ignoring the teaching of basic theories, and even some
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一、强化诵读说到“诵读” ,不少人可能不屑一顾 ,然后鼻中哼出一句 :套话、老话。的确 ,诵读是一个老生常谈的话题。但是笔者认为确实有再提的必要 ,因为现在的课堂读得确实
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(课前准备好投影机、机片、录象剪辑) (上课) 师:同学们,今年是1990年。你们知道150年前,中国历史上发生什么重大的事情吗? 生:(齐声)鸦片战争。师:对呀,我们今天学习的就是
概率是度量随机事件发生可能性大小的一个量,不等式是表示具有不等关系的两个量,用概率方法能证明不等式吗?回答是肯定的。兹看以下数例。 Probability is a measure of th